Florence: The Cradle of the Renaissance
Florence Home to some of the greatest artists and thinkers during the Renaissance Cultural center of Europe
Location Located on the Arno River ◦ Center of trade and commerce Center of woolen-cloth trade Center of Banking Drew travelers from all around the world ◦ Came to do business, study art, or to learn Visitors brought new ideas, goods, and technologies ◦ These enlivened the city
Cultural Activity Dominated by the Medici family ◦ Made wealth through banking Could afford to be patrons ◦ Michelangelo lived in the Medici house Learned from one another ◦ Sometimes competed with each other
Advances in Architecture Influenced by Greek and Roman ruins Many families built palazzis ◦ Stores on the ground floor and homes above Public spaces influenced by humanism Greatest feat is the cathedral, Duomo di Santa Maria del Fiore
Advances in Painting and Sculpture Perspective ◦ Used to create depth in the painting ◦ Size of objects showed distance ◦ Created as lines converged in the middle of a painting Shading created 3-D figures Used geometry and science Had oil-based paint Sculptures were free standing Showed realism Painting Sculpture