Speech 1311 Visual Aids Acceptable practices for:
Speech 1311 Using Visual Aids What are the benefits? How will they affect attention? How will they affect memory?
Speech 1311 Memory and Visual Aids Zayas-Baya, 1977
Speech 1311 Guidelines for Using Visual Aids Make It Easy to See Keep It Simple Make It Consistent with Objective Maintain Eye Contact Talk about Visual Aid
Speech 1311 Guidelines for Using Visual Aids Don’t Pass Items Around No Dangerous or Illegal Aids Avoid Using Live Animals Prepare for Problems
Speech 1311 Types of Visual Aids Slides Posters Objects Models Handouts
Speech 1311 Types of Visual Aids Flip Charts Chalkboards Marker Boards Overhead Transparencies PowerPoint
Speech PT 60 PT 44 PT 36 PT 32 PT 28 PT 24 PT 18 PT 14 PT Relative type sizes in points
Speech 1311 Design Rules for Color
Speech 1311
Not enough information
Speech 1311 Too much information
Speech 1311 Just enough information
Speech 1311
Price of Stock A
Speech 1311 Have a nice day!