Course Selection Presentation
Principal: Michael Keranen Assistant Principal: Colby Evans Assistant Principal: Merrie Fox Counselor: Maria Anna Esparza Counselor: Monica Ulbricht
On this part of the form, select regular or Pre –AP classes. To take Algebra I, you must have taken and earned a final grade of 80 or above in 7 th Grade Pre -Algebra. As a rule of thumb, if you enjoy a particular subject and do well at it, it is recommended that you consider selecting Pre-AP.
You will need to pick 3 TOTAL electives from both the Middle and High School elective choices. All choices are full year classes except for Speech/Health. These two will always be chosen together to count for a full year course.
This is what we look at when classes fill up and we are not able to get you in your first choice. Please enter alternative selections here. If you do not enter anything, we are forced to place you in any class with availability.
Please read and sign. We will do our best to get you in the classes that you want, but please understand that staffing, scheduling and availability, along with other factors, impact course selection.
This section must be filled out and signed by a parent if the child is to be enrolled in one or more Pre-AP classes.
Course selection sheets will be given to students Monday, March 9th. Course selections and the Pre-AP Agreement on the back MUST be completely filled out, signed by a parent and turned into the SVMS front office on or before Friday, March 27 th. If students do not turn in their completed forms by this date, Counselors will be forced to select courses for those students.
SVMS Website: Teacher Websites/ s: Comal Shares: Facebook: “Like” us on StudyWiz: Parent Communication Teachers communicate through Parent Connection, individual websites, StudyWiz, s and phone calls. All teachers post their daily/weekly assignments on their boards in their classrooms. Students are expected to copy assignments from the board into their agendas so parents can review assignments at home. If you have any concerns regarding your child, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher(s) or Counselor. Stay Connected with SVMS
Smithson Valley Middle School Counselors Maria Anna Esparza - (Last Names A-L) Monica Ulbricht – (Last Names M-Z)