New Results From CMS Y.Onel University of Iowa A Topical Conference on elementary particles, astrophysics and cosmology Miami 2011, Dec 15-20, 2011 conference on topical conference
CMS Collaboration 2
LHC/CMS Operations in 2011 pp 7TeV 4
CMS Performance 5
Dimuon triggers at > at CMS 6
Low Mass Resonances PDG Mass: ± 0.07 Ξ - → Λπ - PDG Mass: ± 0.3 Ω - → ΛK - 7
Inclusive Jet Cross-Sections 8
Excellent Understanding of the Physics Objects 9
Bose-Einstein Correlations 10
Angular Correlation Functions 11
Long-range near-side correlations in high multiplicity events (N>110) 12
Electroweak Bosons and Dibosons 13
Electroweak Bosons and Dibosons 14
Inclusive W Production 15
Inclusive Z Production 16
W → μν candidate 17
W → eν candidate 18
W → μν, W → eν 19
W/Z + Jets 22
W/Z + b/c Jets 23
Top Pair Cross-Section 25
Top Pair Cross-Section 26
Top Physics Forward – Backward asymmetry CDF A FB tt = ± NLO A FB tt = ± LHC can see large BSM asymmetry at 2.8 σ at 10fb -1. If new physics is responsible for FB asymmetry, it will likely be heavy (m ≥ 500 GeV). 27
SM Higgs 28
SM Higgs 29
SM Higgs 30
SM Higgs 31
μ P T 32 GeV e P T 34 GeV ME T 47 GeV H → WW → llvv 32
H → ZZ → 4l 33
SM Higgs 34
MSSM Higgs Five massive Higgs bosons in the scalar sector: h, H, A, H +, H - Described by two parameters at the tree level: tan β and M A Search in ϕ → ττ channel. A large region in the MSSM parameter space is already excluded. 35
SUSY - Hadrons 36
SUSY - Leptons 37
SUSY - Limits Squark and gluino masses of ~ 1TeV can be excluded. 38
SUSY Better LHC SUSY exclusion limits imply that SUSY particles will be less likely to be kinematically accessible at a 500 GeV LC. Fraction of undetected models with no sparticles kinematically accessible at LC as a function of LHC integrated luminosity. T. G. Rizzo, ALCPG11 40
Search for Narrow Dijet Resonances 41
Extra Dimensions in γγ 42
Microscopic Black Holes 43
4 th Generation Quarks 44
B s → μμ 45
B Hadron Fraction 46
The LHC accelerator and CMS are working very well Measurements have shown that SM predictions for known physics have been essentially spot on There are no indications yet of new physics though the LHC experiments are now exploring new territory almost across the board. A long physics programme lies ahead as well as very exciting times. Summary 47
Back-up 48
Looking Further Ahead 60
Longer Term Planning 50
59 Outlook Physics with > 1 thousand trillion proton-proton interactions Make more precise SM measurements – confront theory Search for the Higgs Boson Search for Supersymmetry Search for conjectured new physics Look and be prepared for the unexpected Prospects: SM Higgs Search (Mass in GeV) - from 2010 ATLAS + CMS each 95% CL 3 sensitivity5 sensitivity 5 fb fb
Summary of CMS experimental results 52 First: Gauge bosons: Z, W, isolated- First: Prompt J/ and B-hadrons through non-prompt J/ A First: Suppression of excited Charged hadron multiplicity First: Jet imbalance and jet fragmentation function First dihadron correlations pp and PbPb in wide acceptance v 2 in wide acceptance First: h+- R AA p T up to100 GeV/c First: E T
Heavy Ion CMS experiment performed flawlessly during the 2010 heavy ion run period at LHC CMS has obtained significant statistics of hard probes CMS conducted detailed measurements of global properties of medium in PbPb and pp collisions Our measurements indicate consistent view of the hot and dense medium – Strong collective effects in the medium – No quenching of weakly and electromagnetically interacting probes – Strong quenching of partons, including b-quarks – Suppression of quarkonia, including excited states of the