Update on the Fermi bubbles analysis. V.Kulikovskiy 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Update on the Fermi bubbles analysis. V.Kulikovskiy 1

New data prod, MC v2 + v2.2 ratio of number of events with lambda > lines has different and not so stable ratio some groups of the runs have problems (experts are contacted) – Corine/Bruny to check effective thresholds for some runs – Thomas to check some data production runs 5l + 20% dead time ~100 runs 10l data missing Jan-Feb 2010 data production problems thresholds? 2

8l 7l 10l 5l HV SCAN missing in prod SCAN Line 1-12 Physics Trigger (th2 10 p.e.) 1h 53m 49s 2nd try with 12 lines-hopefully correct t0 calib 34432Line 1-12 Physics Trigger (th2 10 p.e.) 21m 32sfirst try with 12 lines! Line 1-12 Physics Trigger (th2 10 p.e.) 3

Lambda distributions for 5 line data and 12 line data periods. 4

New data prod, MC v2 + v2.2 ratio was fixed with exponential (sent to Aart for detector inefficiency investigation). runs inside 3 sigma are taken. New dE/dX MC production exist. 700 runs are missing (429 are missing when I used “good runs list”). 5

OFF zones test. Absolute difference between number of data events in off-zone 1 and off-zone 2 (black) divided by mean number of events in 3 zones as a function of the mean number of events. The same distributions are presented for off-zones 2 and 3 (red), off-zones 3 and 1 (blue). A gray band shows mean statistical error. Absolute difference between number of MC atmospheric neutrino events in on-zone and off-zone 1 (black) divided by mean number of events in 4 zones as a function of the mean number of events. The same distributions are presented for off-zones 2 (red) and 3 (black). A gray band shows mean statistical error. 6

data/mc comparison lambda > -6, nhits > 10 7

energy ANN dE/dX 8

MRF 85 degrees cut new dE/dX prod 9