P arent T eacher A ssociation By becoming a member of our PTA you will be assisting every child here at VEW.
Your $5.00 membership fee assists in providing educational and fun opportunities for the children here at VEW.
PTA donated a new playground through many different fundraising activities.
PTA also donated several trees and benches for the new playground.
PTA provided T-shirts and needed clothing for the opera performance of Hansel and Gretel.
We also provided yummy treats for the 3 rd grade chorus members during the Hansel & Gretel Opera. Several PTA volunteers assisted with creating the delicious treats.
Financially, PTA assisted with a 2 nd grade field trip to the Johnson Museum at Cornell University
PTA has donated numerous books to the VEW students, teachers and library.
Send in your Campbell labels!
Thank you Red Hat Society for all of your assistance the first few days back to school!
PTA celebrates and appreciates the staff at VEW
PTA Fundraisin g
Teacher Decorated Pumpkin Raffle
Breakfast with Santa
Santa’s Secret Shop
Wreath & Poinsettia Sale
Bath Area Family Resource Center
Become an active member today!