G.Barber Mice Tracker Mechanical Progress 2005 1 Tracker Mechanical Progress Contents:- Station Space Frame Station Layout Light Guide Map Connectors Patch.


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Presentation transcript:

G.Barber Mice Tracker Mechanical Progress Tracker Mechanical Progress Contents:- Station Space Frame Station Layout Light Guide Map Connectors Patch Panel Alignment of Tracker QA & Assembly procedure Conclusions

G.Barber Mice Tracker Mechanical Progress Stations Modifications to the Carbon Fibre The New station has had its outer diametre reduced to 396 to take into account the fact that the bore of the solenoid is not machined but a rolled tube. The connector flange has been thickened to 3mm to allow machining. This is to ensure that there is a uniform thickness thus ensuring that the completed tracker is ‘of one axis’ and all planes are parallel. Also the face that seats the connectors has a completely machined face to allow all of the connectors to sit down flat thus keeping the axis of the fibres perpendicular to the plane

G.Barber Mice Tracker Mechanical Progress Space Frame Modifications The components that are used to construct the space frame are similar to before with the exception of the locating foot and the diametre change. The foot was changed because of problems during assembly, if the dowel location was pushed into the foot there was no way to extricate it so the new foot has 2 smaller dowels either side of the structural tube. Old Foot DesignNew Foot Design Gluing Fillet Design

G.Barber Mice Tracker Mechanical Progress Space Frame Tooling The jigs that align the space frames will need to be modified/re-made To accommodate the new foot design and also to match the new station to station pitch.

G.Barber Mice Tracker Mechanical Progress Station Layout/Pitch The final pitch has still to be decided but the two alternatives shown are Top:- 15cm, 18cm, 20cm and 47cm Bottom:- 15cm, 20cm, 18cm and 47cm If this is the case the only need for a decision is to accommodate the length of wave guide and I’m sure we can accommodate a 2cm change in the lengths by making them the longest required.

G.Barber Mice Tracker Mechanical Progress C14 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C1 C13 C12 C11 C10 C9 C8 C15 C17 C29 C28 C27 C26 C25 C24 C30 C18 C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 C16 1 To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To View ‘X’ 212 Channels View ‘V’ 214 Channels View ‘W’ 214 Channels Bulkhead Connector 1 Bulkhead Connector 3 Bulkhead Connector 4 Bulkhead Connector 2 Bulkhead Connector 5 View of the station onto the polished face of the connector Light Guide Map This is the final version, assuming no one finds any glaring mistakes, of the connector map for the tracker it can be found in its full form at

G.Barber Mice Tracker Mechanical Progress Connectors During the test beam at KEK there was a reduction in light output from the 4 th station this could be due to 2 or 3 different reasons. To ensure that it is not the connectors We propose to carry out light ransmission tests thru both station and patch panel connectors.

G.Barber Mice Tracker Mechanical Progress Patch Panel Hole Requirements

G.Barber Mice Tracker Mechanical Progress Positioning In The Solenoid The tracker sits on 4 adjustable feet two at the front two at the rear and held down by a spring loaded pad, all made from PTFE. This aligns the axis of tracker and solenoid The tracker is aligned in Z And Phi by pulling a locating Block into a Vee.

G.Barber Mice Tracker Mechanical Progress Assembly and QA for final MiceTracker Geoff Barber Paul Kyberd

G.Barber Mice Tracker Mechanical Progress Sequence Align the fibre plane onto the vac chuck assembly so that it is correctly placed for gluing to the station. Starting from the centre fibre, bundle the fibres into 7’s and fit into the comb Scan the fibre plane to and ensure that it meets the requirements set down by the QA criteria. During the scan checks can also be made to ensure the correct bundling has been achieved and also we should by scanning with a second camera at the back be able to ascertain the quality of the mirroring on the ‘closed’ end of the fibres. When happy that all is OK, take the fibres from the comb and fit the rubber sleeves and then fit them into there final positions in the connectors. The connectors can be fitted into a secondary bracket mounted off the vacuum chuck.

G.Barber Mice Tracker Mechanical Progress Sequence Continued When all the connectors for that plane are fitted the plane can be scanned a final time to ensure that the channels are in the correct positions in the correct connector. When all seems well the plane still fixed to the vacuum chuck are moved across to the gluing rig and the carbon fibre station and the fibre plane are glued together. Once the assembly has cured the connectors can be fitted into there correct positions on the carbon fibre flange, the fibres are not yet potted but held in the connectors by masking tape so as to allow the ‘tidying up’ of the fibre runs. The whole process can now be repeated for the second plane although a great deal of parallel processing can haven by duplicating certain pieces of hardware.

G.Barber Mice Tracker Mechanical Progress Comb

G.Barber Mice Tracker Mechanical Progress Pros & Cons Pros This scheme will allow for almost ‘real time’ monitoring of the assembly procedure. We will get an instant feel for the integrity of the mirroring. It will allow us to check the middle plane and characterise it with the same accuracy as the two outer planes. Cons We have not tested this out and it may prove to be a little ‘fiddly’. We will need to make more of he existing hardware and develop a few new items.

G.Barber Mice Tracker Mechanical Progress Conclusions There is still a number of items to detail and a few tests to carry out. There are QA /assembly questions to be answered but overall we are in pretty good shape.