Career Research By; Madisyn Jordan
3 Careers The 2 careers I’m interested in are: Cosmetologist, Child Psychologist Cosmetologist- cosmetology is the study and application of beauty treatment. Branches of specialty includes hairstyling, skin care, cosmetics, manicures/pedicures, and electro logy. Child Psychologist - a person trained to give guidance on personal, social, or psychological problems. Why would I want to be a cosmetologist? I personally love doing hair, makeup, and all thing beauty and would definitely pursue a career in it. Now why would I like to pursue a career in counseling? I feel I am a great listener, I like to help others with their problems. I do have my own problems and I know what some other people are going through or I could get an effect on how someone else feels. All in all I just want to help others.
10 Characteristics Values- Cosmetologist want to up bring a relationship with their clients. They also want independence they feel like they should be able to say something about the job or task they’re doing. Counselor - They believe in helping others first Tasks & Responsibilities- Cosmetologist take on the task of other being able to trust them in doing what they ask for and you have to successfully do it with failing. You have to have the right products and skills. Child Psychologist You need to know what your clients are going through because you can’t do something with knowing about it. Working with data-people-things- Cosmetologist - have to work with a lot of tools and chemicals/ products. (ex. Scissors, razors, clippers, hairspray, hair gel, face wash.) they also have to get along with their co-workers. Child Psychologist- They have to get along with their clients, put in what their clients are in for into the computer system. Work environment- You work mostly in a nail salon or a hair salon or a salon in general. You work with the others and in a building
10 Characteristics+ Child Psychologist - you would typically work in a office or a room with a desk closed in and not by others throughout the day. Or in a clinic A cosmetologist -will usually work a 40 hour week where then 45% are self employed and work what they want to work. Child Psychologist - typically they work a 40 hour week.. Cosmetologist- Your aptitudes & abilities of being a cosmetologist is that you have great communication skills, interpersonal skills, artistic nature, and physical abilities. Child Psychologist Again you need to have interpersonal skills, observational skills, thinking & computer skills, and education! Prospective cosmetology students usually need to have a high school diploma or even a GED. Cosmetology programs will last up to 9-12 months or longer. Child Psychologist - you must earn your bachelor’s and master’s degree. Apply for provisional licensure, complete your work experience, obtain your state licensure and continue the requirements
10 Characteristics++ The average salary of a cosmetologist is somewhere between $7.55 to $10.30 per hour. Cosmetologist will earn tip arranging from $1.29 to $3.67 per hour. Some employers offer health care as a part of the cosmetologist compensation. 24% reported receiving medical care, 17% reported receiving dental care, and 13% reported receiving vision care. While school psychologist is one of the fastest growing career fields within psychology, earnings for school psychologists are about average. School psychologists can expect to earn between $45,000 and $65,000 a year. Those with a PhD or in administrative positions can earn more. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the career outlook for a cosmetologist is projected to see a 14% growth from 2010 – Bureau of Labor Statistics The health care and social assistance industry employs about 47 percent of counselors, and state and local government employ about 11 percent.
Lifestyle (GOALS) I want to live in a big house maybe out in Troy;MI or down south. With a fence and a big yard for animals. Many general cosmetologists perform skin and nail services in addition to hair care. Their average wage nationwide was $12.72 per hour, or $26,460 a year, according to the BLS. Their annual wages ranged from $16,710 a year or less for the lowest-earning 10 percent to $41,490 a year or higher for the top 10 percent. The salary of a cosmetologist can afford a house for about $800-1,000 it wont be a big-big house like I wanted but that’s what I live off now so it doesn’t make a difference. The Labor Department reports that Child Psychologist brought home a median salary of $53,600 last year. The best-paid made $86,870, while the lowest-paid earned about $31,850. Elementary and secondary schools employ the most school counselors, followed by colleges and universities. I could afford a bigger house that costs about $2000 it would fit my wants. These jobs wont really fit what I want but I’m fine with what I get.
Location If I wanted to become a cosmetologist I might have to relocate if I wanted to be successful. I’d probably have to move to New York or California. To be a Child Psychologist I could stay where I am at because you need counselors all over the world so I really wouldn’t have to move anywhere special.
Career Cluster Cosmetologist would fall under the Cluster of Arts, A/v Technology and Communications. Child Psychologist would fall under Human Services.