Multi-Vehicle in R55 History of the proposal In order to summarize the background to the proposal the history in ISO/TC22/SC15/WG4 and in the UNECE IWG-R55 has been compiled.
Multi-Vehicle in R55 History of the proposal 2001 a first reference was made to the Australian standards the Italian delegation proposed to use the Australian formulae the Italian delegation proposed modified Australian formulae 2004 the Dutch delegation proposed alternative formulae 2005 the Swedish delegation offered to make a special investigation to Multi Vehicle Combinations (MVC) 2006 the Swedish delegation proposed to use the Australian formulae 2006 a survey was made to identify relevant MVC to consider – 2007 various formulae for V-value for dollies were proposed by Italy, France and the Netherlands the Swedish delegation proposed a new set of general formulae to account for road trains with N number of coupled vehicles.
Multi-Vehicle in R55 History of the proposal 2007 the Swedish delegation presented some results from physical simulations to the alternative formulae 2008 the Swedish delegation presented some results from road tests using a combination of “Rigid + CAT + CAT” 2008 test results from development of the Australian formulae were made available 2009 the Swedish delegation proposed take a step back and to use the Australian formulae 2009 the Swedish delegation elaborated a new proposal based on the Australian formulae 2011 the “CD”-balloting was ended and “DIS”-balloting initiated the “DIS”-balloting was ended 100 % “approve”-vote
Multi-Vehicle in R55 History of the proposal 2012 the MVC coupling dimensioning was put on the Item list of the UNECE IWG-R a concrete proposal was presented to the IWG-R in Bologna the proposal was discussed in IWG_R55 and a general agreement to handle these combinations as “limiting cases” was proposed in Poznan the proposal was elaborated with a new annex no. 8 where all (i.e. traditional and multi-vehicle) “limiting cases” were compiled 2014 in Zoetemeer it was agreed in the IWG-R55 to give GRRF a heads up on the proposal. It was argued whether there was any measurement to support the Australian rules. It was informed that such measurements existed.
Multi-Vehicle in R55 History of the proposal 2015 in Geneva the proposal with the new annex 8 was presented to the GRRF. It was given very good support by the GRRF in Munich there was further discussed over measurements and it was agreed to try to give all experts access to the documents. This was then also done. It was argued that the conditions in Germany was worse than in Austrailia in Gothenburg road condition data showing that German road condition is not worse than in Australia was presented. A summary of recent measurement results from extreme combinations were shown showing low forces as compared with requirements according to the proposal.