Let’s Work Together to Achieve More IAMSLIC/IOC MOU Brainstorming Session 17 September, Suva Fiji.


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Presentation transcript:

Let’s Work Together to Achieve More IAMSLIC/IOC MOU Brainstorming Session 17 September, Suva Fiji

History Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (GEMIM) began providing advice on marine information management to International Oceanographic Data & Information Exchange (IODE) Committee of IOC in 1984 IAMSLIC members have been invited to GEMIM since 1993 IAMSLIC & IOC have had a close working relationship over many years MOU between IOC & IAMSLIC established in 2004 to formalise relationship MOU expired in 2006

What’s Happening Now? Many IAMSLIC members are active participants in IODE MIM programs (ODINs) Many regional IODE programs work closely with regional IAMSLIC groups –ODINCARSA & Latin American Regional Group IAMSLIC –ODINAFRICA & AFRIAMSLIC –ODINECET & EURASLIC

IAMSLIC – Benefits & Strengths Social networking & peer support Resource sharing –Z39.50 Distributed Library –Interlibrary Loan Network Professional development & knowledge sharing –Annual Conferences “Informal” networking and cooperation Product – Aquatic Commons

IODE MIM– Benefits & Strengths Capacity Building & Training –ODINAFRICA, ODINCARSA, ODINECET, ODINCINDIO, ODINWestPac, ODINBlack Sea –Infrastructure & Resource Development –Project based with clear work plans and expected results –Formal commitments of countries (governments) MIM Products (that e.g. support the ODINs)

MIM Products OceanExpert –Global directory of marine & freshwater professionals OceanTeacher –Learning & development tool for IM and DM OceanPortal –Directory of ocean data and information web sites –African OceanPortal and Portal Oceanico OceanDocs –Electronic repository of ocean-related publications –Repository is Regional based (ODINs)

Cooperation? Focus on benefits of complementarity and synergy between : –IODE’s funded capacity development and government endorsed ODIN projects –IAMSLIC’s grass root level, volunteer based social networking approach Each of the above has strengths and weaknesses Avoid duplication Enhance communication

Recent Decisions IODE XIX (2007) called for close collaboration with IAMSLIC GE-MIM IX (2007) recommended new MOU –Efficient communication lines –Complementary services & products –Need for IAMSLIC contact point for IOC/IAMSLCI cooperation IAMSLIC Conference (2007) agreed in principle Joint Task Force suggested by IAMSLIC

IOC’s Priorities Collaboration in ODIN-PIMRIS –What happens with other ODINS? –What practical assistance for ODIN-PIMRIS? Sharing Expertise in OceanTeacher –Linda’s list of needs –IAMSLIC members in OceanExpert Sharing Expertise as Lecturers –MIM Training courses –Course material becomes part of OceanTeacher Hosting Interns –Possible Australian program (Others?) –IODE Project Office

Thank you Suzie Davies Chair, Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (GEMIM)