SLAC Accelerator Department B-Factory Operations and Plans John T. Seeman Assistant Director of the Technical Division Head of the Accelerator Department.


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Presentation transcript:

SLAC Accelerator Department B-Factory Operations and Plans John T. Seeman Assistant Director of the Technical Division Head of the Accelerator Department DOE PEP-II Operations Review June 15, 2004

SLAC Accelerator Department Topics Mission Operations Organization and Planning The PEP-II Collider Risks PEP-II Future Upgrades Safety and Reliability Conclusions

SLAC Accelerator Department SLAC’s Mission To provide a respectful and safe environment to promote research. To operate, maintain and upgrade all SLAC accelerator systems to maximize their high energy physics output. To develop the conceptual framework and technology needed for the next generation of accelerators and to advance the science of accelerator physics. To manage the construction and commissioning of new accelerator systems. To contribute to the development of the technology needed for the next generation of detectors. To provide Laboratory support and services in the areas of our scientific engineering and technical expertise. To perform the research and development necessary to accomplish our mission effectively.

SLAC Accelerator Department

Accelerator Department Organization

SLAC Accelerator Department Other TD Departments contributing to PEP-II Mechanical Design Mechanical Fabrication (MFD) Electronics and Software Engineering (ESD) –Power supplies, diagnostics, RF and controls Metrology –Alignment and magnetic measurements Site Engineering and Maintenance (SEM) –Power, water and buildings Advanced Computation (ACD) –Wakefield and HOM calculations Klystron –Klystron production and RF Accelerator Research A (ARDA) –Accelerator theory and bunch feedback

SLAC Accelerator Department Current Accelerator Program The PEP-II B-Factory provides high energy physics data to the BaBar detector running about 10 months per year. –Upgrade plan is to increase the peak luminosity by a factor of about 2.6 over the next few years. Linac beams are provided to other programs using linac pulses not used by PEP-II injection. –The linac runs at 30 Hz. PEP-II uses, on average, only about 10 to 15 Hz.

SLAC Accelerator Department Beam Lines

SLAC Accelerator Department PEP-II e + e - Collider Use the SLAC linac as upgraded for the SLC for the injector. BaBar Detector Feedbacks Diagnostics LER RF 476 MHz HER RF 476 MHz 3.1 GeV positrons x 9 GeV electrons C = 2200 m

SLAC Accelerator Department The PEP-II e + e - asymmetric collider

SLAC Accelerator Department PEP-II Interaction Region Components near BaBar HER LER Collision point BaBar

SLAC Accelerator Department Contributors to PEP-II SLAC LBNL LLNL With help from: –IHEP, Beijing, China –BINP, Novosibirsk, Russia –INFN, Frascati, Italy –CEA, Saclay, France –IN2P3, Paris, France –Caltech –BNL –Many people from the BaBar Collaboration –Visitors from CERN, DESY, Cornell, FNAL, KEK, …

SLAC Accelerator Department Internal PEP-II Reviews and Meetings Daily (seven days) 8:00 am Program meeting Daily (seven days) 8:15 am BaBar/PEP-II meeting Five days/week Maintenance meetings (8:15 am) Twice/week PEP-II Group meetings Weekly Tech Division Construction Project reviews Weekly PEP-II / BaBar Strategy Meeting Semi-monthly PEP-II Evaluation Meeting with Upper SLAC Management Weekly Shut-Down Planning meetings starting three months before the down, continuing during the down. PEP-II End of Run “Lessons Learned Briefings” PEP-II Workshops on Performance –1) December 15-16, 1999 –2) December 6-7, 2000 –3) January 30-February 1, 2002

SLAC Accelerator Department External PEP-II Reviews Annual DOE Site Visits Annual DOE Program Reviews Semi-annual Scientific Policy Committee Semi-annual Experimental Physics Advisory Committee Semi-annual BaBar International Finance Committee Quarterly BaBar Collaboration meetings PEP-II Machine Advisory Committee –1) Jan 4-6, 1995 –2) August 24-25, 1995 –3) April 11-13, 1996 –4) January 6-8, 1997 –5) November 10-13, 1997 –6) December 14-16, 1998 –7) October 9-11, 2003 –8) April 15-17, 2004 –9) December 13-15, 2004 (planned)

SLAC Accelerator Department Continuous Injection (Trickle Charge) Both Beams LER I + HER I - Luminosity

SLAC Accelerator Department Peak luminosity of 9.21 x Record Peak Luminosity

SLAC Accelerator Department Daily Integration Record 710/pb

SLAC Accelerator Department Examples of PEP-II Performance Measures

SLAC Accelerator Department

Actual delivered luminosity 90 fb -1 Goal set in July 2003 Actual delivered luminosity >90/fb!

SLAC Accelerator Department Overall Parameters and Goals ParameterUnitsDesign Best in collision Future 2007 goal I+mA I-mA Number bunches y*y* cm yy , Luminosityx Integrated lumi / day pb Over five times design!Over three times design Twice design!

SLAC Accelerator Department PEP-II Risks Items which could cause prolonged downs or sustained reduced luminosity for PEP-II: –AC power costs (See G. Loew’s talk) (~1 month) –Many PEP-II klystrons (total 11 klystrons now and adding 4 more) are reaching 30k+ hours (10% loss in luminosity per lost klystron, 1 year to build, 600 k$ each, 4 in production now, start 2 more?) –Support tube vacuum chambers (Be-bellows, B1R, B1L, Q1R and Q1L, ~7 month down w/o spare, ~4 month with spare, B1+Q1 spares sum to 2000 k$.) –HER and LER Chopper Bulk Power Supplies (~1 month, new ~1000 k$) –Injection septa for HER and LER (~1 month, spare parts for 200 k$) –Shortage of Physics (Engineering) staff for Machine Development delays luminosity growth rate (44 accelerator shift takers in 1999, 12 in June The 12 are also involved with upgrade designs)

SLAC Accelerator Department PEP-II Staffing Issues The operation of PEP-II is thin (lean) on support staff due to staff reductions from past reduced budgets. (We do still try very hard!) –Experimental Accelerator Physicists are down by 40%. (+5 people would be very helpful) –Area Technical Managers down by 33%. (+2 would help) –PEP-II Mechanical Engineers were down by 40% but has recovered by 25%. (Thanks SPEAR-3!) (+2 would help) –RF Engineers/physicists were down by 50% but recovered by 25%. (+2 would help) –Electrical Engineers are down by 30%. (+3 would help) –Vacuum, Mechanical, and Electrical Technicians are down by about 20%. (+10 to +20 would help) –Accelerator Operator numbers steady. (Good!) –Part-time outside help has gone up substantially! (NLC, BaBar, LBNL, SPEAR, Universities) (Many thanks!)

SLAC Accelerator Department PEP-II Long Range Beam Parameters Goals April 2004: 2.5A x 1.5 A  y *=11 mm 1555 bunches L=9.2E33 July 2004: 2.6A x 1.6 A  y *=10 mm 1600 bunches L=10E33 June 2005: 3.3A x 1.8 A  y *=9 mm 1700 bunches L=15E33 July 2006: 3.9A x 2.0 A  y *=8 mm 1720 bunches L=20E33 July 2007: 4.5A x 2.2 A  y *=8 mm 1720 bunches L=24E33 Director’s goals: With good integration reliability and trickle injection: 115 fb -1 more integrated from Summer 2003 to Summer fb -1 total integrated by Fall About 1.7 to 2.0 ab -1 integrated by Fall 2010.

SLAC Accelerator Department Future luminosity increase factors ParameterPresentFutureLuminosity gain ratio Hardware and work needed LER current2450 mA4500 mATwo RF stations, new vacuum chambers HER current1550 mA2200 mA 1.61Two RF stations, new vacuum chambers y*y* 11 mm8 mm 1.38HER higher tunes, RF & power supplies work yy L H L H 1.16Tune plane, coupling, & IR work Parasitic  x 3.22 mm3.80 mm 1.08B1 magnet change Total x 2.78

SLAC Accelerator Department PEP-II Future Luminosity Parameters xx yy xx yy nI x*x* y*y* Lumi xx yy Unitscmmmnm mAmicron s x1E33 LER now LER HER now HER

SLAC Accelerator Department PEP-II Bunch Length Factors IRF stations Number cavities Total Volts JeAlpha s  z natural Bunch lenth- ening  z final UnitsmAMVmm LER now LER HER now HER

SLAC Accelerator Department AIP Upgrades for SLAC Lehman “Base 2%” June 2004 Fiscal YearPEP-II Radio- Frequency RF System PEP-II Vacuum System PEP-II Magnet, PS, Instruments, Feedback Linac, DR, Gun, BSY, FFTB, PPS Total (k$)

SLAC Accelerator Department Expected PEP-II Delivered Integrated Luminosity Delivered as of end of fiscal year SLAC Field Task Proposal SLAC Lehman “2% Base” FY /fb FY FY FY FY FY FY

SLAC Accelerator Department Over all PEP-II Down Schedule down: August 1 to October 15 for BaBar IFR down: July 1 to December 31 for BaBar IFR and PEP-II support tube down: August-September down: August-September down: August-September down: August-September. Every downtime is planned in great detail.

SLAC Accelerator Department Citizen Committees and Subject Matter Experts Safety Overview Radiation Safety Non-Ionizing Radiation Safety Hazardous Experimental Equipment ALARA Electrical Safety Earthquake Safety Fire Protection Safety Hoisting and Rigging Safety Environmental Safety Radiation Safety Officer Laser Safety Officer Electrical Safety Officer Fire Marshal Crane Inspector ESH Environmental Protection Department ESH OSHA Experts ESH Industrial Hygienists Emergency Management Coordinator

SLAC Accelerator Department Documentation Hierarchy

SLAC Accelerator Department Accelerator Department Safety and Operations Documents Accelerator Operations BAS Key and Lock ProceduresHot Sheet Accelerator Operations BAS InstructionsIncident Response Procedures Alarm Response ProceduresLaser Safety Procedures Arcs PPS LogLinac etc Building Emergency Plan Beam Containment System ProceduresLinac PPS Log BSOIC Certification Checklists Logging Requirement for Work… BSY PPS LogMCC Building Manager Checklists CID PPS LogMCC Emergency Plan DRIP/DR PPS LogMCC Key Safe Checkout Electrical Hazard Test ProceduresPEP PPS Log Emergency Notification FormPEP PPS Overview Entry and Exit ProceduresPLS Keys Procedures and Log Equipment Checkout LogPositron PPS Log ESA PPS LogPPS Interlock Checklists FFTB PPS LogPPS Zone Maps Final Focus PPS LogSafety Configuration Control Fire Alarm System Reference ManualSafety Inspection Checklists Guidelines for Work in SLAC Accelerator HousingsSearch Procedures Gun Test Lab Safety Procedure VVS Remote Turn-on Procedure High Voltage Test Facility Safety ProceduresWarning Response Procedures

SLAC Accelerator Department ARTEMIS (Maintenance ) ARTEMIS (Accelerator Remedy Trouble Entry and Maintenance Information System) is an Oracle database with a Remedy interface, accessible over the internet by everyone involved with SLAC accelerator maintenance. Operators report problems as they occur by making entries in ARTEMIS. Repair work is launched immediately if the problem is inhibiting the scheduled accelerator program. New ARTEMIS entries are reviewed at the daily maintenance meeting. Open questions are addressed and jobs are assigned. Jobs may be assigned to the Standby Maintenance List (SML), or to the Repair Opportunity Day (ROD) list, or marked for the next long down time. Jobs are tracked using ARTEMIS until they are finally closed.

SLAC Accelerator Department ARTEMIS Example Sample from the June 10 maintenance meeting.

SLAC Accelerator Department Assessment of Accelerator Time

SLAC Accelerator Department General In-depth Accelerator Self-Assessments 2004: ‘Linac’ (includes DRs, BSY, ESA) 2003: GTL, GTF, HVTF, ASTA 2002: SPEAR 2001: NLCTA 2000: PEP II 1999: ‘Linac’

SLAC Accelerator Department Conclusions PEP-II has reached a luminosity of 9.2 x /cm 2 /s with trickle injection. PEP-II has integrated 710 pb -1 in one day. PEP-II has delivered a total of over 230/fb so far! Near term and long range upgrades are going well. Progress for upgrades towards 2.4 x are on track. PEP-II collider has a good safety record. We work daily to make it better. We have internal and external reviews of our program. We set yearly performance goals and track them daily-weekly- monthly. We perform regular in-depth safety reviews of all our accelerators. We are actively working to make our accelerator more reliable.