Annual Performance Report ( APR ) Data Entry Workflow
ClientPoint “The filing cabinet!” Search for existing clients, or add clients
“Client Information Tab”
Data Entry Made Easy! Follow the tabs through the record.
Click the pencil to add, edit or update. Note: These data elements create the client’s unique ID. Altering these data will alter the Unique Identifier for reporting in the database. Custom Assessment Fields may need to be answered, check with your administrator for details!
Create Relationships between records before entering clients into programs or providing services! Click “Start New Household” to begin. Enter the Household Type Designate 1 person as Yes, Head of Household Relationship to Head of Household = Self NOTE: Only one member of the household grouping should be listed as the Head of Household. All other member relationships should be based on who was designated the Head of Household. Date Entered* = Date of Intake or Arrival into the program. Date Removed is NOT the client’s exit from the program! Use only inspecial circumstances, such as foster care removal or custody changes.
The Household Overview will contain a list of all members of your group. Review the overview for accuracy.
Add each member of the household in the “Edit Household” window. Be sure that all members and their relationships appear in the Household Overview before closing the window. Creating relationships between client records is important! Take your time and follow the windows as they appear!
ROI may trigger data sharing and visibility settings. If ROI is on, be sure you enter Release Granted = Yes! Ask your System Administrator II if the ROI is required in ServicePoint® for your implementation! Check off all household members that apply!
Enter a client into a program. Often referred to as intake, enrollment, participation, etc… A window will pop up: Follow the page from top to bottom! Answer all required fields*** Type = HUD
Answer all questions on the Entry Assessment. These fields are important for reporting status at Entry. 4. Follow the screen from top to bottom.
Click on the Pencil of the Entry Date for EACH Household Member. The page will reload. Complete the Entry Assessment. Repeat for all household members. NOTE: If client is a single person this step will be skipped. Follow the screen from top to bottom for each household member. 5.
Enter staff and contact information for client support system! Select from a provider list of ServicePoint users or Set me as Case Manager
Create Goals, Action Steps and Case Notes to assist clients in planning self sufficiency and track outcomes! ! Classification and Type are conditional lists that can be customized! Send Follow Up “ticklers” to a ServicePoint User Home Page!
After Saving, the Case Plans window will expand! The Add Service Will take you out of case plans into Service Transactions. See the Service Transactions for details!
Assessments are sets or groupings of questions. Select an assessment from the list and enter the data elements required by your provider! Each provider can have a different set of assessments available. Note: You may be responsible for more than one. Choose the appropriate assessment from the pick-list
“Service Transactions” Tab Use the Dashboard to quickly add needs, services or referrals or to view the client’s historical records. Service Transaction
In ServicePoint, Clients must have Needs” diagnosed in order for the end user to add services or referrals to the record. The Need is based on the Taxonomy Code Set used by your implementation. The most common code set is the AIRS Taxonomy. Service Transaction
Each Provider should have a Quick List created of the most common needs/ services requested by their clients.
Select the Need from the quick list or use the Look Up to find a term that best describes the need. Check Household Members if applicable!
An action window will appear to assist the user with the next data entry step in the process.
Adding a Service to the record indicates that the provider selected is providing the specified service to the client and household (if members are selected). Use “Live” Date and Time Stamps!
Enter organizations costs for providing the service using Funding Sources. Create follow up “tickler” to users. Enter Status and Outcomes!
ServicePoint® can providers Service referral notices. Complete the Need(s) Assignment by Adding Terms from the quick list or Service Code Look-Up.
Once the Needs have been selected, a search will automatically begin. You can select providers from the list, or refine the search criteria. Click the + to select the provider as a “refer to” provider. Matched Needs counts the number of needs this provider can provide to the client based on the need selection criteria.
Once the Providers have been selected, the user can “Notify” ServicePoint® Providers by . Notify Primary Contact by .
Review Historical Transactions! Navigate Back to Dashboard
Skip the long form! By using the “Add Service” button services can quickly by entered and the Need will be automatically diagnosed to be the same as the service. Use the dashboard to save time.
Skip the long form! Add multiple services quickly by automatically diagnosing the Need to be the same as the service.
After the client has left program the client must be provided an Exit. Click on the Pencil Under Exit Date 1.
An Exit window will pop up: Follow the page from top to bottom! Answer the Exit Date, Reason for Leaving, and Destination 2.
Answer all questions on the Exit Assessment. These fields are important for reporting status at Exit. 3. Follow the screen from top to bottom.
Click on the Pencil of the Exit Date for EACH Household Member. The page will reload. Complete the Exit Assessment. Repeat for all household members. NOTE: If client is a single person this step will be skipped. Follow the screen from top to bottom for each household member. 4.