The Exodus An Outstanding World Event Started in faith Ended in victory Delivered by the Lord— Exo.14 Over ½ million men of war— Num.1:46,47 Their spirits were high, their hope strong — Exo years later, some passed over Jordan into the Promised Land. Deut.29:5 Joshua 3 BUT in between the people were “much discouraged because of the way,” and MANY fell. Num.21:4
Not an easy beginning! Not the shortest route to Canaan. Perhaps, they could not see the reasons God required so many things. Filled with doubt and misgivings about this new way. Longed for their former life of bondage. Num.11:4-6. The Exodus An Outstanding World Event “Much Discouraged Because of the Way.” Lessons for Us : Rom.15:4; 1 Cor.10:1-12
Go on Or Go Back? Obstacle #1 Their Escape Pharaoh pursued. Exo.14:1-9 The people were VERY afraid. Exo.14:10-12 The Lord provided salvation for the people. Exo.14:13-31 Lessons Satan pursues us. 1 Pet.5:8 Radical change is NOT easy. Acts 17:30 The Lord has provided salvation for US. Titus 2:11,12
Obstacle #2 Their Hunger They longed for the former life of plenty. Exo.16:1-3 They complained against God. Num.11:1-6 God provided. Exo.16:13-31 What They Forgot Taskmasters that afflicted them. Lives that were bitter with hard bondage, Having to do all their service with rigor. Exo.1:11-22 Their newborn sons killed or cast into the river. Exo.1:16 But they had FOOD: cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions, and garlic! Go on Or Go Back?
Lessons We can long for our former lives of sin. 1 Cor.10:6-13 The Christian’s life is both HARD and EASY. Lk.9:23-26; Acts 14:22; Matt.11:24-30 Obstacle #2 Go on Or Go Back? Their Hunger They longed for the former life of plenty. Exo.16:1-3 They complained against God. Num.11:1-6 God provided. Exo.16:13-31
Lessons Weak Christians are: –Tired of all this doctrinal preaching. –Prefer sermons on love, joy, peace and the home. –More entertainment, etc. “Look what others are doing; let’s attract.” Go on Or Go Back? Obstacle #2 Their Hunger They longed for the former life of plenty. Exo.16:1-3 They complained against God. Num.11:1-6 God provided. Exo.16:13-31
Their Doubt They claimed they had been delivered to die. Exo.17:1-3 Is the Lord among us or not? Exo.17:7 Num.11:5 Exo.19:5,6 Lessons Those who stand for truth will be persecuted!! 2 Tim.3:12 Many today are NOT satisfied with the Lord’s word and His promises. 2 Tim.3:1-9 2 John 1:9 Heb.13:5 Go on Or Go Back? Obstacle #3
Lessons Many are not satisfied with the worship and work of the church as given by the Lord! –Too boring and exclusive –Emotionalism –Secular and social Go on Or Go Back? Obstacle #3 Their Doubt They claimed they had been delivered to die. Exo.17:1-3 Is the Lord among us or not? Exo.17:7 Num.11:5 Exo.19:5,6
Their Leaders The evil report. We can’t! Num.13:31 They accepted the evil report and rejected good leadership. Num. 14:1-10 God’s judgment. Num.14:22-30 Lessons Elders need to be men of Faith and Vision. Every blessing God has promised us is there for us to reject or accept (truth over error; righteousness over sin; heaven over hell). We MUST believe God! Go on Or Go Back? Obstacle #4
Lessons Heaven is in the grasp of every person here; will you let it go????? Go on Or Go Back? Obstacle #4 Their Leaders The evil report. We can’t! Num.13:31 They accepted the evil report and rejected good leadership. Num. 14:1-10 God’s judgment. Num.14:22-30
Contention Korah’s gainsaying (Moses has failed!) divided the camp. Num.16:1-14 The next day the congregation complained even more. Num.16:41-49 Lessons The church has always had inside trouble. –Judaizers (Gal.5:12-15) –Gnostics (1 Jno.4:1-6) –Those seeking preeminence (3 Jno.9) –Compromisers (Rev.2:14) Go on Or Go Back? Obstacle #5
Lessons The unfaithful often complain. The Christian who is about to quit finds fault with the preacher, elders, teachers, finally with the church, and even the Lord Himself! Go on Or Go Back? Obstacle #5 Contention Korah’s gainsaying (Moses has failed!) divided the camp. Num.16:1-14 The next day the congregation complained even more. Num.16:41-49
The Difficult Way Num.21:4 “And the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people.” Num.21:6 But the Lord provided a way for them to be healed!! Num.21:7-9 Conclusion
The Difficult Way Num. 21:4 We too can become discouraged – Heb.2:1-3;3:17-19;12:1-3 We too can be guilty of sin and need the forgiveness that God offers – 1 John 1:9-2:2 John 3:14-15 “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” Conclusion
Have you been baptized into Christ?? Will you go on OR go back? “And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!” Matthew 7:23 Invitation