Aeolus By: Muhammad Rehmat
The Wind GOd “Aeolus is the god and father of the winds. He is the ruler of Aeolia, north of present-day Sicily. He is son of Hippotes and Melanpipe” (“The Greek God Aeolus”). “Aeolus’s sons became the north, south, east, and west winds” (“Aeolus”). “He is associated with horses, birds, air, and wind” (Pixi).
Origin “Inside the hollow heart of the island, Aeolus keeps the Anemoi Thuellai (spirits of violent storm winds) and Aellai (spirits of sudden, sharp gusts of wind; harpies) locked away. Since storm winds were often visualized as furious horses, Aeolus developed the name Hippotades, or ‘The Reiner of Horses’”(Pixi).
the connections to the Odyssey “Aeolus is mainly famous for the Odyssey. Odysseus and his crew get lost at sea and land on his island. Aeolus lets them stay on his island for a month. After that, Aeolus gave them a bag of unfavorable winds so they would have a safe journey to home. When the crew members saw the bag, they thought that Odysseus was hoarding riches for himself. They opened the bag and all the dangerous winds came out. They mixed together to make a powerful storm and it pushed Odysseus’s ship back to Aeolia” (Uno). “When Aeolus saw Odysseus for the second time, He thought that the gods had cursed the crew. Aeolus refused to help them again. Instead, he told them to leave the island and never return” (Uno).
Famous Stories “Aeolus is most famous for being in the Odyssey” (Knowles). “Aeolus also features in the Latin tale, Aeneid by Virgil. Juno bears a grudge against Trojan Aeneas and seeks Aeolus’s help to stop his journey to Sicily. She offers him nymph Deiopea as a wife, if Aeolus frees the stormy winds to destroys Aeneas’s fleet. Aeolus agrees and a powerful storm destroys most of his ships” (Uno).
Work Cited "The Greek God Aeolus." Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Dec. 2015. "Aeolus Greek God of Winds." Greek Gods and Goddesses. Site Build It, n.d. Web. 06 Dec. 2015. Pixi. "Aeolus." Greek Gods and Goddesses. WordPress, 22 Nov. 2011. Web. 6 Dec. 2015. Uno, Rave. "Aeolus - Greek God of Winds." Buzzle., 26 May 2011. Web. 06 Dec. 2015. "Aeolus."Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2015. Web. 06 Dec. 2015 Knowles, Elizabeth. "Aeolus." HighBeam Research, 01 Jan. 2006. Web. 07 Dec. 2015.