IN FLANDERS FIELDS Rehearsal Video 2/3/15
Today We will work on mm
Sopranos You will hear your part played 3 times. Listen, then hum along, then sing along. Finally, sing it once without me.
Altos You will hear your part played 3 times. Listen, then hum along, then sing along. Finally, sing it once without me.
Baris You will hear your part played 3 times. Listen, then hum along, then sing along. Finally, sing it once without me.
Altos and Sopranos Listen to the two parts together once. Then sing them back to me.
Altos and Baris Listen to your parts sung together, then sing them back to me.
All Listen to all three parts, then sing it back to me all together.
“And Now we lie in Flander’s Fields” Now look at the next phrase. Please take 1 minute to mark all your tall vowels like “Lie” Please mark how many beats “fields” will receive
sopranos You will hear your part played 3 times. Listen, then hum along, then sing along. Finally, sing it once without me.
Altos You will hear your part played 3 times. Listen, then hum along, then sing along. Finally, sing it once without me.
Baris You will hear your part played 3 times. Listen, then hum along, then sing along. Finally, sing it once without me.
Altos and Baris Listen to your parts sung together, then sing them back to me.
Sopranos and altos Listen to your parts sung together, then sing them back to me.
All Listen to your parts sung together, then sing them back to me.
Now…. For measures 27-39, solfege ONLY YOUR PART “Take up your quarrel” Everyone begins on “do”