Funded Proposals Year 3 of RA Support Data Portal Standardize Local Data Nodes
Year 3 of RA Support Yr 3 funding increment received 6/12/07 –$435,820 (direct and indirect) $1,100,688 total 3-year funding End date 31 May 2008 Time extension will be requested E/O subcontract in place through 5/31/2008; will be extended
Data Portal Awarded in August 2007 One year 1/1/2008 through 12/31/2008 $500,000 E/O component
Standardize Local Data Nodes Awarded in August years ~$300K/yr; Year 1 firm; out years dependent on funding availability E/O component
NEW GCOOS Proposals RA Support 3-D Circulation Model Comparison Data Portal/Regional Operation Center Meteorological Instrumentation HF Radar Future: Gap Analysis, Satellite products, HABs, Hypoxia, Other
RA Support Submitted 15 August 2007 ~$400,000/year for 3-years Regional Coordinator 50% time Data Management Coordinator 25% time Research Associate 100% time Co-PI Nowlin 5% time
RA Support Meetings component –Board meetings –Parties meetings –Council and Committee meetings –One observing system design workshop –One stakeholders workshop –Coordinators’ travel support
RA Support E/O component –E/O Coordinator 6.5 months/year
3-D Circulation Model Comparison 3-D Gulf of Mexico circulation model comparison study Industry to fund deepwater part (~$1M) Seeking federal match to extend to shelf –NOAA –MMS –Others
Data Portal/Regional Operation Center 3 years to follow-on Year 1 of Data Portal development ~$750K per year Jochens as Lead PI Howard as Co-PI for DP and ROC Walker as Co-PI for E/O Component Support for E/O Coordinator (3 months) Support for development and maintenance of GCOOS wiki for observing systems inputs
Data Portal/Regional Operation Center Components: –Data Portal Year 1: Internal testing & review/roll-out Year 2: Roll-out and evaluation Year 3: Maintain and enhance All Years: Add Data Streams –Regional Operation Center Year 1: Initiate planning Year 2: Planning and develop proto-type Year 3: Develop & test proto-type –Education and Outreach Year 1: Education Materials; 2 Interactive Exhibits Year 2: Education Materials; 2 Interactive Exhibits Year 3: Education Materials; 1 Interactive Exhibit
HF Radar ~2 year project to –integrate WERA, CODAR, and in situ systems Stephan Howden, USM, as Lead PI Other participants: UM, USF, FSU, LSU, TAMU Sharon Walker as E/O PI Ann Jochens as GCOOS representative (~5% time)
HF Radar Components –Maintain existing HF Radar systems –CODAR/WERA integration/interoperability: Florida Straits West Florida shelf Mississippi shelf –Develop Gulf-wide HF radar observing system plan –Education and outreach activities: Inreach Display for outreach
Meteorological Instrumentation 2-3 year project to develop and deploy self sufficient meteorological instruments on ~10 O&G platforms Fugro GEOS as Lead
Meteorological Instrumentation Components –Year 1: Sensor Integration and Testing –Year 2: Installation of ~10 packages –Year 3: Build-out to additional packages and maintain Education and outreach component
Future: Other HABs Observing System Plan –Workshop in Nov 2007 –Draft plan completed early 2008 –Final plan completed by spring 2008 –Activities to update plan will be developed
Future: Other Hypoxia Observing System –NOAA Monitoring Implementation Plan Gap Analysis Project Satellite products –Plan development task