JEOPARDY At GPA with your host
Unit 2 - Culture Unit 1 – Intro to Sociology Unit 3 - Socialization Unit 4 – Crime and Deviance $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500
Unit 1 – Intro to Sociology Unit 2 - Culture Unit 3 - Socialization Unit 4 – Crime and Deviance $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500
Unit What are the three sociological perspectives? Briefly explain each.
Unit Which sociological perspective does each analogy correspond to? A.Society is like a war. B.Society is like a play. C.Society is like a machine.
Unit What is the difference between a micro and macro analysis of society?
Unit How would functionalist sociologists explain change in society over time?
Unit You are a sociologist studying at what times and locations teenagers believe it is socially acceptable to text. Develop a descriptive and an explanatory question that would guide your research.
Unit Answer 1.Symbolic Interactionist – analyzes verbal and non verbal signals to understand larger society 2.Functionalist – sees society as a combination of small parts working together, all pieces are needed 3.Conflict – analyzes society in the context of larger conflicts: economic, race, gender, etc.
Unit Answer Which sociological perspective does each analogy correspond to? A.Society is like a war. Conflict B.Society is like a play. Symbolic Interactionist C.Society is like a machine. Functionalist
Unit Answer Micro = analyzes society by looking at smaller social patterns. Ex. Verbal and non verbal symbols. Macro = analyzes society by looking at larger social patterns, “big picture”. Ex. Race and class conflicts
Unit Answer If an element of society no longer has a purpose, or function, it will not be passed to the next generation.
Unit Answer Descriptive: When and where do teenagers think it is socially acceptable to text? Explanatory: Why do teenagers think it is socially acceptable to text in certain places/at certain times?
Unit Why is cultural diffusion occurring on a larger scale today more than any other time in history?
Unit What are cultural universals? Provide two examples.
Unit Ethnocentric: Believe that the student is inferior to you, that they know less than you, look at student strangely Cultural relativistic: Ask the student about their culture & native country, ask about how to say words in their native language
Unit What are the positive and negative aspects of ethnocentrism?
Unit List 10 of the 15 core American values articulated by sociologist Robin Williams.
Unit Answer Because of technology and the internet.
Unit Answer Cultural universals = customs that all cultures have in common Examples: funerals, marriage, laws
Unit Answer A new student from another country is in your English class. The student does not know English and dresses differently from you and your classmates. What would an ethnocentric response be to this student? What would a cultural relativistic response be?
Unit Answer Positive = Creates group loyalty Negative = Discrimination
Unit Answer 1.Achievement and success 2.Individualism 3.Activity and work 4.Efficiency and practicality 5.Science and technology 6.Progress 7.Material comfort 8.Humanitarianism 9.Freedom 10.Democracy 11.Equality 12.Racism and group superiority 13.Education 14.Religiosity 15.Romantic love
Unit What is socialization? When does it occur in an individual’s life?
Unit What is the difference between religious practice and religiosity?
Unit What are the two main types of socialization? Provide an example of each.
Unit What are the three characteristics of a total institution?
Unit What are the two most important factors in determining the way that parents raise their children?
Unit Answer Socialization = the process through which people learn the expectations of a society Occurs throughout life
Unit Answer Religiosity – how frequently an individual worships (prays, attends services) Religious – affiliation with a particular religion or denomination.
Unit Answer Informal = going back to school for training for a new job Formal = prison
Unit Answer 1.Total control over everyday life 2.Loss of identity 3.Abuse /degradation
Unit Answer Biological sex Social class
Unit What is the difference between crime and deviance?
Unit What is conventional crime?
Unit How can deviance be relative to time?
Unit Why did Emile Durkheim believe that deviance was normal in society?
Unit Answer Deviance = breaking social norm Crime = breaking law
Unit Answer Violent crimes and property crimes.
Unit Answer What is the difference between the retributive and restorative method? Retributive = punish crimes Restorative = rehabilitate
Unit Answer Social norms and views of what is deviant change over time. Ex. segregation, drug use
Unit Answer The collective conscious is not strong enough to prevent all deviance Societies label deviant behavior, therefore creating it