Lecture 7 Basic GIS Analysis Operations
Analysis of GIS data Identify Find Query – attribute Query – spatial Table operations Join Spatial join Summarize and other statistics Symbology, classificaion in making a map
Spatial Select
Labels Double-click
Labels - Population
Combine values with text with &
Label with multiple values "Population: " & [POP1990] & vbcrlf & "County: " & [NAME] & connects two text strings Vbcrlf – visual basic carriage return line feed (next line) Fields [ ] Strings “ “
Attribute query
Spatial query Use points, lines, and polygons to select other points, lines, and polygons. Use a relationship Intersecting Inside Neighbors Within a distance of
Spatial query -Intersect Layer 1 Relationship Layer 2 Result
Spatial query - Intersect result Counties that interstate 5 crosses
Spatial query - Contains Cities inside San Diego county
Spatial query - Near Cities within 2 miles of Interstate 5
Spatial query - Near Cities within 1 mile of Interstate 5 Just those cities, in their own shapefile How’d they do that?
Analyze result – Export to shapefile
Analyze result – New shapefile
Analyze result – Create a report
Report properties – fields and order
Create a chart
Chart wizard
Table operations - Join Common field (primary and foreign key) One to one relationship (one county has one census record) Fields from one table are appended to the other table Bring spatial and attribute data together
Table operations - Join Matching records merge into the one attribute table
Table operations – Spatial Join Common location One to Many Relationship (One county has hundreds of quakes) Fields from one table are appended to the other table Bring spatial and spatial data together
Spatial Join tables Common location
One spatially joined table Matching records merge into the one attribute table
Summarize a field How many quakes per county?
Build a statistics/summary table
Join summary table and county table
Symbolize – Quakes per county
Normalize by area – Quakes per square mile
Normalize by area – Quakes per person