Ringgold High School Presentation October 31st, 2011
So how are Thinking Maps different from graphic organizers?
What are Thinking Maps and how are they different from Graphic Organizers? Use a Circle Map to define Thinking Maps.
84% of all information that comes into our brain is VISUAL 40% of all nerve fibers connected to the brain are linked to the retina 36,000 visual messages per hour may be registered by the eyes. - Eric Jensen, Brain Based Learning
Knowledge is stored in two forms: Research proves that the more we use both systems of representation, the better we are able to think and recall knowledge. DUAL CODING THEORY Linguistic Form Nonlinguistic Form
“The overwhelming need for learners is for meaningfulness… we do not come to understand a subject or master a skill by sticking bits of information to each other. Understanding a subject results from perceiving relationships. The brain is designed as a pattern detector. Our function as educators is to provide our students with the sorts of experiences that enable them to perceive patterns that connect.” Making Connections: Teaching and the Human Brain (1994), Caine & Caine BRAIN COMPATIBLE TEACHING
An Overview of all 8 Thinking Maps The Circle Map Defining in Context
An Overview of all 8 Thinking Maps The Bubble Map Describing
An Overview of all 8 Thinking Maps The Double Bubble Map Comparing and Contrasting
An Overview of all 8 Thinking Maps Classifying The Tree Map
An Overview of all 8 Thinking Maps Whole to Parts The Brace Map
An Overview of all 8 Thinking Maps Sequencing The Flow Map
An Overview of all 8 Thinking Maps The Multi-Flow Map Cause and Effect
An Overview of all 8 Thinking Maps Seeing Analogies The Bridge Map
Adding a Frame of Reference How do you know what you know about this topic? Did your information come from a specific source? Is this information being influenced by a specific point of view? Who could use this information? Why is this information important? An Overview of all 8 Thinking Maps
Adding a Frame of Reference
Middle School Social Studies
The square root function A parabola
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We watched a video.
A Tree Map
Vocabulary Development mitochondria Power Plant