Written Task 2
6 prescribed Questions The class brainstorm list for how these questions are reflected in both The Great Gatsby and A Streetcar Named Desire have been posted in the WT2 folder on my website.
Assignment sheet Read through as a class Answer Questions
What it looks like… Cover Page Outline Essay Works Cited MLA format
Cover Page Written Task 2 Question 1: “Power and Privilege” “How and why is a social group represented in a particular way?” Student Name IB # Mrs. Milstead May 12, 2015
Outline Purpose: To give the assessor a clear understanding of what material and ideas your essay is going to cover. http://www.thinkib.net/files/englishalanglit/files/Street car.pdf Outline for Paper A Sample Essay
Works Cited Works Cited Kafka, Franz. The Metamorphosis. Trans. Stanley Corngold. Toronto: Bantam, 1986. Print.
Mla Format Font: Times New Roman Font Size: 12 pt Spacing: Double-space, (2.0) Heading: Left alignment Include (in this order, each on its own line): Name, Course Title, Date Page Numbers: Right alignment with last name and page number
Rubric High light language on rubric that matters Share thoughts with table partner
How and why is a social group represented in a particular way? Sample WT2 Paper A High light the two different aspects of prescribed questions How and why is a social group represented in a particular way? 2. Read through: high light each time the student describes how and why a social group is represented in a particular way
Sample WT2 Paper B ---Same process as Paper A… Read through: High light each time the student describes how and why a social group is represented in a particular way.
Comparing the two essays Do you notice a difference? In what ways is the Sample B less effective than Sample A? Discuss in groups of 4. Present to class.