Geography of Great Britain
England vs. GB vs. UK
Basic information about GB Population: 60,800,000 Location: North-western Europe Area: 209,331 km2 Highest elevation: 1,344 m Closest point from Europe: English Channel at the Straits of Dover (34 km)
England Population: 53 012 456 Biggest region of GB Capital city: London Main religion: Church of England Language: English River: Severn Lowlands
Scotland Population: 5 327 700 Language: English (Scots, Scottish Gaelic) Capital city: Edinburgh Motto: "In My Defens God Me Defend“ Highlands
Wales Population: 3 063 456 Language: Welsh, English Motto: "Wales for ever“ Capital: Cardiff One of the wettest countries in Europe Own anthem: "Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau“
…about GB The oldest rocks: Lewisian complex
About 25% cultivated and 12% forests varied climate with frequent cloud and rain average temperature 6°C(winter) highest average temperatures 18°C (July,August).
Ben Nevis Located: Grampian Mountains Frequented climbing place
Thank you for your attention. UK anthem Ondřej Novotný, 4.A