Heart Disease Non- communicable CommunicablePathogens
Row 1, Col 1 This can occur when blood flow to a part of the brain stops. Stroke
1,2 When the growth of cells in the body is out of control and cells divide too quickly. Cancer
1,3 What Causes diseases? Pathogens
1,4 What are the 5 types of Pathogens? Virus’s, bacteria, protozoans, fungi, rickettsias.
2,1 Characterized by discomfort in the arms, left shoulder, elbows, jaw or back. Victim’s feel pain at the center of the chest. Heart Attack
2,2 This type of tumor is non- cancerous. Benign
2,3 Name four ways pathogens are spread by direct contact. Touching, biting, kissing, sexual contact
2,4 What pathogen is Smallpox caused by? Virus
3,1 Malformations of the heart structure existing at birth. Congenital Heart Disease
3,2 An exercise program for someone diagnosed with this disease would include low impact activities, range of motion exercises, water therapy, and massage. Arthritis
3,3 Name the two major defense strategies of the immune system. Specific and Non-specific
3,4 A disease caused by bacteria that affects the lungs. Symptoms include wheezing, coughing up blood and excessive sweating. Tuberculosis
4,1 List 3 treatment options for CVD. Coronary Bypass, angioplasty, medication, pacemaker, exercise.
4,2 This hormone regulate blood sugar. Insulin
4,3 What is a vector? An organism, such as a tick, that carries and transmits pathogens to humans
4,4 A disease transmitted through protozoans that is parasitic. The disease affects the liver and attacks red blood cells. Results include an enlarged liver and spleen. Malaria
5,1 This type of cardiovascular disease affects blood vessels supplying the heart muscle. The abbreviation is CHD. Coronary Heart Disease
5,2 Over 17 billion people in the US have this diseases. Each year more than 5,000 people die from it. Asthma
5,3 This is the term for when cases of a disease, in a given human population, substantially exceed what is expected based on recent experience. Epidemic
5,4 A virus spread through sneezing, coughing, and contact. Symptoms include a rash, Bloodshot eyes, Koplik’s spots. Measles