CONGENITAL OBSTRUCTIVE UROPATHY IN NIGERIA, PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE PROSPECTS By N. Eke Urology Unit, Department of Surgery, University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
Definition: Obstructive uropathy is any affection of the urinary tract characterized by impairment of urine flow through the tract and which, if left untreated, will cause progressive renal damage. Obstruction may be mechanical or functional
Aim: An update on congenital obstructive uropathy in children with emphasis on Nigeria.
Materials and methods: Contemporary information on the management of obstructive uropathy from the Medline, etc. Information from our experience in Port Harcourt.
Results: Congenital causes: Pelvi-ureteric junction obstructions, VUR and megaureter Neuropathic bladder Posterior urethral valves (PUV), Phimosis Meatal stenosis.
Acquired causes: Calculi Post-traumatic and post-inflammatory strictures Schistosomiasis (ureteric) Meatal stenosis (post circumcision) Tumors e.g. Prostatic embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
Early reports Prof Eso in Niger Med J 1976, calculus disease Odita, Omene. Afr J Med Med Sci 1980, neonatal ascites, PUV in 4 of 7 patients. All died
Current situation Many centres have developed interest in paediatric renal diseases, especially OU 1994, Eke F &Eke N (UPTH) 1997, Airede A, et al (UMTH) 2003, Michael IO & Gabriel OE (UBTH) 2004, Anochie I & Eke F (UPTH) 2004, Olowu WA &Adelusola KA (OAUTH) 2005, Anochie I & Eke F (UPTH) 2006, Etuk I et al (UCTH) 2007, Eke N & Elenwo SN (UPTH) Several other publications (AJOL)
Current contd 1990, Ojogwu LI (UBTH) on pathology of ESRD 1993, Bamgboye EL et al (LUTH) on haemodialysis
Management History Examination: Thorough; Assoctd anomalies Anorectal, Vertebral malformations Investigations RFTs; USS, CT, MCU, ?IVU CLINICAL FEATURES AgeBirth -16 years Gender M:F = 2:1 Anuria Abdominal distensionMichellin baby Phimosis/meatal stenosis
Specific manifestations: Prune belly syndrome Urethral obstruction syndrome Vesico-ureteric reflux Hydronephrosis Renal failure ARF, CRF
Diagnostic investigations: Ultrasonography (antenatal and post-natal) 2nd trimester USS, 2-6 weeks post-natal Intravenous urography Cystography Renography. (Follow up in hydronephrosis) Chromosome studies in ambiguous genitalia
Palliative Treatments Palliative Treatments Fluid and electrolytes Peritoneal dialysis Haemodialysis - Maiduguri, Lagos, Port Harcourt, Ife, etc
Recent therapeutic advances : In utero vesico-amniotic shunt. Endoscopic valve ablation for PUV. Minimally invasive techniques for urolithiasis. Augmentation cystoplasty (prune belly) Nephrectomy in a unilateral damaged kidney. Renal transplantation where available. (Ife, Kano, Lagos) Advances in cytotoxic drug therapy.
Therapeutic problems Criteria to select patients for treatment require definition. Multicentre collaboration Causes of Treatment Failure: Pretreatment irreversible renal damage Bladder dysfunction and mal-development
Conclusion: Advances in management previously unavailable in developing countries only now improving. Compromise treatment options, therefore, still prevail. Adequate treatment is essential to prevent end-stage renal impairment.
Acknowledgement I am grateful for the opportunity to interact with you. Happy New Year