05-1-S230-EP Unit S230-EP
05-2-S230-EP Unit 5 Objectives Describe the responsibilities the Crew Boss considers prior to returning to the incident base from a tactical assignment. List the key responsibilities of the Crew Boss following tactical assignments while at the incident base or camp. List the key responsibilities of the Crew Boss when the crew is out of service.
05-3-S230-EP Off Line Duties When does a Crew Boss start planning off line duties? 05-3-S230-EP
05-4-S230-EP Off Line Duties What is the common factor Crew Bosses base their planning upon? 05-4-S230-EP
05-5-S230-EP Off Line Duties What should a Crew Boss consider regarding departure from an incident assignment? 05-5-S230-EP
05-6-S230-EP Off Line Duties Prior to leaving an assignment or during travel back to base for the next fire assignment, what functions should the Crew Boss have crew personnel perform? 05-6-S230-EP
05-7-S230-EP When flying by helicopter back to the incident base, which load should the Crew Boss usually fly out with? Off Line Duties 05-7-S230-EP
05-8-S230-EP Off Line Duties What Crew Boss responsibilities can be delegated to a subordinate supervisor following a tactical assignment while at base or camp? 05-8-S230-EP
05-9-S230-EP Off Line Duties What does the Crew Boss do when the crew is performing off line duties? 05-9-S230-EP
05-10-S230-EP What should the Crew Boss do to improve morale of the crew? S230-EP
05-11-S230-EP When should the Crew Boss plan for crew activities? Off Line Duties S230-EP
05-12-S230-EP Off Line Duties What should a Crew Boss do at base or in camp following a tactical assignment? S230-EP
05-13-S230-EP Off Line Duties Crew welfare and crew conduct should both be considered Crew Boss responsibilities while the crew is out of service. What are two other primary responsibilities? S230-EP
05-14-S230-EP Off Line Duties When is a Crew Boss responsible for crew members during off shift periods? S230-EP
05-15-S230-EP How can a Crew Boss personally provide for medical attention to his or her crew? Off Line Duties S230-EP
05-16-S230-EP Off Line Duties What form must be completed for a crew member requiring medical attention at a medical facility? S230-EP
05-17-S230-EP Why is it important for the Crew Boss to ensure that CA-1 and CA-16 forms or agency equivalent forms are promptly completed for any crew member injured on the job and requiring medical attention? Off Line Duties S230-EP
05-18-S230-EP Off Line Duties When completing forms involving claims for lost, stolen or damaged property, what incident personnel may the Crew Boss coordinate with? S230-EP
05-19-S230-EP Off Line Duties What other personnel does the Crew Boss have available on the crew to accomplish off line responsibilities? S230-EP
05-20-S230-EP Review Unit 5 Objectives Describe the responsibilities the Crew Boss considers prior to returning to the incident base from a tactical assignment. List the key responsibilities of the Crew Boss following tactical assignments while at the incident base or camp. List the key responsibilities of the Crew Boss when the crew is out of service.
05-21-S230-EP Unit 5 Quiz 15 minutes for completion Review quiz answers S230-EP