The Science of Flight Mr. Zushma Technology & Design for Science and Engineering
Before you fly your airplane You need to understand the Science Of flight
We live in an ocean of air Air can be studied like the ocean, We fly in an ocean of air.
Forces are placed on the wings of the plane Air pressure acts on the entire surface of the wing When the plane is not moving the air pressure is equal on both sides.
Air has weight Air holds the paper against the glass and keeps the water inside.
Fish live in an ocean of water We live in an ocean of air.
If we sank this bottle to the bottom of the ocean…What would happen to it?
Air is pressing down on everything all the time At sea level – air presses down with 14.7 pounds per square inch!
The higher above sea level you travel… The lower the air pressure 13.7 Psi on a mountain 14.7 PSI at sea level
The lower below sea level you travel… The higher the pressure. You can feel your ears popping! *
The Bernoulli principle Over two hundred years ago the Bernoulli brothers mathematically unlocked a secret of flight.
The Bernoulli principle states: When a fluid like air speeds up, its pressure decreases.
The wing of an airplane Is shaped in a manor so that the air traveling over the top speeds up. This creates lift.
Stalling the plane: The plane is not made to fly like a helicopter!
The main wing of the plane provides lift If a 12”x12” piece of wing is 144 sq. inches…
The main wing of the plane provides lift When we reduce the air pressure on the wing by 1 pound…that one sq. foot can lift 144 pounds!
Four Principals of Flight Thrust Lift Weight Drag