Mobile Electronics and Security Federation
Q UALIFICATIONS and P REPARING for the F UTURE Jeff Marshall MIMI General Secretary MESF
T HE C HALLENGES V ehicle manufacturers Profit stream for the life of the vehicle Control the aftermarket Remove Block Exemption
T HE C HALLENGES V ehicle manufacturers Profit stream for the life of the vehicle Control the aftermarket Remove Block Exemption Increase vehicle complexity Impose worker and business accreditation
T HE C HALLENGES V ehicle manufacturers Profit stream for the life of the vehicle Control the aftermarket Remove Block Exemption Increase vehicle complexity Impose worker and business accreditation O ur industry Lack of qualified workers No unified business standards
T HE C HALLENGES C ustomers Low opinion of skills required Expect safe and satisfactory installations L aw Corporate Manslaughter Act Duty of care I nsurers Reducing exposure to risk
M EETING THE C HALLENGES V ehicle manufacturers Right to Repair Campaign European campaign to fight for aftermarket
M EETING THE C HALLENGES V ehicle manufacturers Right to Repair Campaign European campaign to fight for aftermarket O ur industry Training Qualifications Installation Code of Practice Customer Code of Practice
M EETING THE C HALLENGES C ustomers Display your qualifications Display your accreditations Get rid of ‘Free Fit’ Certificate every job
M EETING THE C HALLENGES C ustomers Display your qualifications Display your accreditations Get rid of ‘Free Fit’ Certificate every job L aw Qualifications Document everything
M EETING THE C HALLENGES C ustomers Display your qualifications Display your accreditations Get rid of ‘Free Fit’ Certificate every job L aw Qualifications Document everything I nsurers Qualifications Document everything
Q UALIFICATIONS Vehicle Enhancement Certification Programme MESF Examination Certificates Certificate 1 Basic Installation Certificate 2 Advanced Installation Certificate 3 Specialist Installation MESF Courses Quality Assured by the IMI Based on National Standards
Q UALIFICATIONS Vehicle Enhancement Certification Programme MESF Examination Certificates Certificate 1 Basic Installation Certificate 2 Advanced Installation Certificate 3 Specialist Installation MESF Courses Quality Assured by the IMI Based on National Standards Time limited to three years Lead to Accreditation
Q UALIFICATIONS Vehicle Enhancement Certification Programme Open to everyone Encourage career progression
Q UALIFICATIONS Vehicle Enhancement Certification Programme Open to everyone Encourage career progression Flexible delivery Self Study Distance Learning Classroom Based
Q UALIFICATIONS Vehicle Enhancement Certification Programme Open to everyone Encourage career progression Flexible delivery Self Study Distance Learning Classroom Based Supported by manufacturers Independent of manufacturers
Q UALIFICATIONS Vehicle Enhancement Certification Programme Open to everyone Encourage career progression Flexible delivery Self Study Distance Learning Classroom Based Supported by manufacturers Independent of manufacturers Audited by the motor industry - IMI
A CCREDITATION Mobile Electronics & Security Federation Based on experience and knowledge Encourages career progression
A CCREDITATION Mobile Electronics & Security Federation Based on experience and knowledge Encourages career progression Level 1 Installation Technician MESF Certificate 1 Level 2 Vehicle Enhancement Technician MESF Certificate 2 or better
A CCREDITATION Mobile Electronics & Security Federation Based on experience and knowledge Encourages career progression Level 1 Installation Technician MESF Certificate 1 Level 2 Vehicle Enhancement Technician MESF Certificate 2 or better Time limited to three years Renewal requires evidence of CPD
T HE F UTURE Your inclusion in: Automotive Technician Accreditation The motor industry’s approved worker accreditation
Mobile Electronics and Security Federation P REPARING for the F UTURE