Draft Operating Arrangements
Steering Committee decision Global Pooled Fund Task Force Collaborative effort “Term Sheet” developed by the Task Force Flexible design To conform to needs of Contributing Donors
Purpose Logical Framework Designed by INTOSAI-Donor Secretariat Outcome: ▪ Improved performance of SAIs in developing countries Outputs: ▪ Scale up support for SAI Capacity Development ▪ Enhance effectiveness of support to SAIs ▪ Deliver results through financing and managing SAI capacity development projects
Eligible Beneficiaries Broad range of developing countries and INTOSAI bodies Legal capacity to enter into agreements with the Administrative Agent Eligible Activities Organizational, technical, administrative activities and stakeholder relationship management
Duration CDF: Open-ended in nature Administration agreements Fund structure Global in nature Attention to Contributing Donors regulations
Administration Agreements Administrative Agent with Contributing Donors Grant Agreements Administrative Agent with Recipients
Funding Board Supreme governance body ▪ Approves Operating Arrangements, Annual Work Program, and individual project proposals ▪ Oversees operation of the fund Decision-making ▪ By consensus?
Administrative agent ▪ Appointed by Contributing Donors ▪ Trust Fund administration, program management and reporting Grant recipients ▪ Implementation and reporting Relevant stakeholders INTOSAI-Donor Secretariat INTOSAI-Donor SC
Application process Demand driven Two stages: concept note + proposal Coordination with INTOSAI-Donor Global Call for Proposals Application approval Funding considerations ▪ Based on INTOSAI-Donor SC and Contributing Donors Available funds
Recipient-executed activities & expenditures Goods Consulting services Training Knowledge transfer partnerships (SAI-to-SAI) Trust fund expenditures TF administration and implementation support to recipient-executed activities
Project/Recipient level Progress Financial Audit Trust Fund level Per Administration Agreements and Operating Arrangements Outreach With visibility of Contributing Donors
Draft Operating Arrangements