coming of our Lord Jesus Christby our gathering together unto himshaken in mind be troubledby spiritby word by letter (2Th 2:1-2) Now we beseech you,


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Presentation transcript:

coming of our Lord Jesus Christby our gathering together unto himshaken in mind be troubledby spiritby word by letter (2Th 2:1-2) Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any meansfor that day shall not come, exceptcome a falling away firstandthat man of sin be revealed (2Th 2:3) Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

Man of Sin

The Effects of the Rapture 1.In the very near future there will be a force come to this earth to bodily remove all of those who have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ 2. Panic will set in and pandemonium will grip all that are left behind. 3. Mothers will be looking for their babies 4. Teenagers looking for their parents 5. Planes dropping out of the sky 6. Multiple car wrecks through out the world 7. Stock markets crash 8. Slow medical help 9. Looting and violence

that man of sin the son of perdition (2Th 2:3) Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

beast (Rev 11:7) And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.

And there appeared another wonder in heaven behold a great red dragon (Rev 12:3) And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.

the false prophet (Rev 16:13) And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.

5. That Man of Sin 6.The Man of the Earth (Ps.10:18) 7.The Mighty Man (Ps. 52:1) 8. The Evil Man (Ps. 140:1) 9.The Violent Man (Ps. 140:1)

10.The Bloody and Deceitful Man (Ps. 5:2) 11.The Branch of the Terrible (Is. 25:5) 12.The Wicked One (2 Thes. 2:8) 13.The Cruel One (Jer. 30:14) 14.The Terrible One (Is. 29:19) 15.One who comes in his own name (John 5:43) 16. A Vile person (Dan. 11:21)

17.The Adversary (Ps. 74:10) 18.The Enemy (Ps. 55:3) 19.The Spoiler (Is. 16:4) 20.The Destroyer of the Gentiles (Jer.4:7) 21.Head over many countries (Ps 110:6) 22.The profane wicked Prince of Israel (Ezk. 21:25) 23.The Prince that shall come (Dan 9:26) 24.The Willful King (Dan 11:36)

25.A king of Fierce countenance (Dan. 8:23) 26.The King of Babylon (Is. 14:4) 27. The Assyrian (Is.10:5) 28.The Little Horn (Dan.7:8) 29.The Son of Perdition (2 Thess. 2:3) 30.The idol Shepherd (Zech. 11:17) 31.The Angel of the Bottomless Pit (Rev. 9:11) 32.Abaddon (Rev. 9:11) 33.Apollyon (Rev. 9:11)

A.He is a REAL man

that man of sin (2Th 2:3) Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

a his (Rev 13:18) Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

(2Co 5:21) For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

A.He is a REAL man B.He is the Son of Perdition

the son of perdition (2Th 2:3) Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

son of perditionthat the scripture might be fulfilled (Joh 17:12) While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.

(Psa 41:9) Yea, mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, which did eat of my bread, hath lifted up his heel against me. (Psa 55:12-13) For it was not an enemy that reproached me; then I could have borne it: neither was it he that hated me that did magnify himself against me; then I would have hid myself from him: But it was thou, a man mine equal, my guide, and mine acquaintance.

one of you is a devil (Joh 6:66-71) From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him. Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away? Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God. Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil? He spake of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon: for he it was that should betray him, being one of the twelve.

And after the sop Satan entered into him (Joh 13:21-27) When Jesus had thus said, he was troubled in spirit, and testified, and said, Verily, verily, I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me. Then the disciples looked one on another, doubting of whom he spake. Now there was leaning on Jesus' bosom one of his disciples, whom Jesus loved. Simon Peter therefore beckoned to him, that he should ask who it should be of whom he spake. He then lying on Jesus' breast saith unto him, Lord, who is it? Jesus answered, He it is, to whom I shall give a sop, when I have dipped it. And when he had dipped the sop, he gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon. And after the sop Satan entered into him. Then said Jesus unto him, That thou doest, do quickly.

A.He is a REAL man B.He is the Son of Perdition C.He is from the bottomless pit

beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit (Rev 11:7) And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.

he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit (Rev 9:1-3) And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.

(Rev 9:11) And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.

(Mat 25:41) Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:

one of you is a devil (Joh 6:66-71) From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him. Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away? Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God. Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil? He spake of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon: for he it was that should betray him, being one of the twelve.

go to his own place (Act 1:25) That he may take part of this ministry and apostleship, from which Judas by transgression fell, that he might go to his own place.