Starting cost discussion Vladimir N. Litvinenko Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, USA Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, USA Center for Accelerator Science and Education V.N. Litvinenko, Internal cost review of MeRHIC/eRHIC, October 2009
MeRHIC TPC MeRHIC option with new cryo plant FY09K$ BurdenedContingency 1.0 MeRHIC PED/EDIAConstructionInstallationCommissioningCostContingencyTotal% 1.1 Civil Construction88530, ,24114,68345,92447% 1.2 Cryogenics2,49338,8985,469046, ,11039% 1.3 SRF Cavities4,08655, ,35417,35077,70429% 1.4 RF50528,7021,009030,21610,63940,85535% 1.5 Magnet System5198,0463,006011,5713,46615,03730% 1.6 Vacuum System1978,1461,33709,6802,26211,94223% 1.7 Power Supplies1244,0471,22205,3931,8877,28035% 1.8 Diagnostics82211,6822, ,854 4,53119,38531% 1.9 Controls System02, ,88439% 1.10 Injector System1,5002,7001, ,30040% 1.11 Modification of IR28213, , ,12326% 1.12 Spin Rotators03,1682,09005, ,69227% 1.13 Project Management3,0265,1002,373010,4992,10012,59920% 1.14 Installation1001,00013,013014,1135,64519,75840% 1.15 Commissioning / Pre- Ops 25, % SubTotal15,078203,18335,00025,428278,68985,904364,59331% Management Contingency 25,571 Total/TPC 278,689111,476364,59340% TEC 253,689111,476339,59344% option with RHIC Cryo systems 1.0 MeRHIC PED/EDIAConstructionInstallationCommissioningCostContingencyTotal% 1.2 Cryogenics2,052 16,6356,098024,7859,64534,43039% Total TPC 256,614102,871333,91340% TEC 231,614102,871308,91344%
Parametric scaling: MeRHIC Optimum is with 4 passes Difference between 4 passes is $8M for less expensive option, i.e. well within error of the estimate Adding 4 th pass to existing design of MeRHIC will increase its complexity If we start new MeRHIC design (i.e. for 12 o’clock) we can start from four-pass option from the onset V.N. Litvinenko, Internal cost review of MeRHIC/eRHIC, October 2009
Scaling for eRHIC: 10 GeV, TEC 2006 BINP estimate: 1.The bending magnets. We can do the 1 m long pieces, as to have good gap accuracy it needs to machineit by a grinding machine. The yoke cost is about 400$/m, and coils - about 500$/m. 900$/m*2800m = 2.52M$ per one loop Girder. 450$/m*3200m = 1.44M$. Actually, we are not sure, that we can provide it, so it require additional consideration of required tolerances Vacuum chamber. We are not sure, that we can provide it for so small gap. Our feeling of the cost scale is 5-10 M$ per loop, depending on required beam diagnostics, vacuum pumping, and SR absorbers Quadrupoles. 4500$*600 = 2.7 M$. Detail design is necessary to confirm the possibility to obtain the required gradient. Estimate: $M per turn in FY06 $ ($16M/per pass in FY09+ 50% contingency) I am using $24M per pass V.N. Litvinenko, Internal cost review of MeRHIC/eRHIC, October GeVusing 4 GeV MeRHIC as an injector Cost, $M Civil construction 2 by-passes around STAR and Phenix90 Arcs6 passes144 SRFadd 0.46 GeV linac48.9 RF 25.7 Cryoadd 2 kW at 2K to RHIC cryo8.5 Power suplies 15 Diagnostics 30 Controls 30 MeRHIC upgrades 5 Project Management 15 TOTAL 412.1
Parametric scaling: eRHIC Optimum is with 3-4 passes for 10 GeV eRHIC and 6-7 passed for 20 GeV eRHIC Variation of the cost per arc ~ 50% does not change this result in any significant manner V.N. Litvinenko, Internal cost review of MeRHIC/eRHIC, October 2009
Possible staging of eRHIC: TEC MeRHIC – 4 GeV, $309M CeC for RHIC, $62M – can be part of RHIC pp luminosity upgrade Upgrade to 10 GeV, add 6 passes, 0.5 GeV linacs, $412M total $721M (+$62M) Upgrade to 20 GeV, add 1.7 GeV linacs, $206M total $927M (+$62M) Upgrade to 30 GeV, add 1.7 GeV of linacs, $169M total $1,096M ( + $62M)
Possible savings Build CeC cooler for boosting RHIC pp luminosity - $62M Avoid civil construction by allowing the passes through the detectors (i.e. through STAR and PHENIX) – up to $100M? Reduce RF power by 2-3 fold – R&D - up to $100M? Reduce cryo power 2 fold – R&D - up to $75M? Less expensive SRF – R&D - up to $ M? Other items (magnets, vacuum, diagnostics, controls, RHIC mods) – may be few of $10M
CeC cost estimate – ccaling from MeRHIC – this version is for boosting RHIC pp luminosity, i.e. Could be consiered as RHIC up-grade E p, GeV E e, MeV Gun 1 Gun 2 V.N. Litvinenko, C-AD Accelerator Physics Seminar, July 31, 2009 Estimating 1.1Civil construction Cryogenics SRF cavities RF Magnet System Vacuum system Power supplies Diagnostics Controls system Injector system Modification of IR Project Management2.0 TEC35.2 R&D16.0 Pre-ops10.0 Total Project61.2
Scaling for eRHIC: 20 & 30 GeV Add $25M for pre-ops V.N. Litvinenko, Internal cost review of MeRHIC/eRHIC, October GeV using 4 GeV MeRHIC as an injector TEC Cost, $M Civil construction 2 by-passes around STAR and Phenix100 Arcs6 passes144 SRFadd 2.13 GeV linac103.9 RF + 6 MW SR113.2 Cryo with new plant 61.4 Power suplies 15 Diagnostics 30 Controls 30 MeRHIC upgrades 5 Project Management 15 TOTAL GeV using 4 GeV MeRHIC as an injector TEC Cost, $M Civil construction 2 by-passes around STAR and Phenix100 Arcs6 passes144 SRFadd 3.79 GeV linac185.4 RF + 6 MW SR153.4 Cryo with new plant Power suplies 15 Diagnostics 30 Controls 30 MeRHIC upgrades 5 Project Management 15 TOTAL 787.3