To Frame a Math Start Story Google the book cover image, copy and place in the center of the frame. Use or adapt activities described by the author at the back of the book. Take a few minutes to google teaching resources for your title. You may find something useful. For example, the site below has slides of tasks students have done with some MathStart stories. This is where I got the idea to create a table for Shark Swimathon. ties/MathStartActivities/tabid/662/language/en- US/Default.aspx
Put Your Title Here Complete the table on the back of this frame by doing the following: recording each shark’s name the number of laps they swam each day each shark’s total number of laps Create a subtraction with regrouping story problem using the characters in Shark Swimathon. Play the Money Be Gone Game described on page 33. Ask your teacher for the game supplies. On page 29 Coach Blue used one method for subtracting with regrouping. Show the coach another way to solve the following problems
Shark TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Total Daily Total Laps to Go