Cookiecutter Shark Taylor Jordan
Taxonomy Cookiecutter Shark Isistius brasiliensis Nickname: Cigar Shark Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Chondrichthyes
Information Size: Evolved 420 million years ago Males: 12-14.5 in Females: 15-17 in Evolved 420 million years ago
Habitat Deep, warm ocean waters Distribution: All over the world
Feeding Facultative Ectoparasite- Can eat whole prey Cut round holes prey like a cookie cutter cuts into dough. Use their luminescence to attract prey
Breeding Give birth to live pups 6-12 pups a litter
Population & Stats Population unknown- placed on least concern list There has only been one attack on humans since they were discovered
Interesting facts In 1970, a Cookiecutter Shark caused a US Navy submarine to have to go back to base for repairs. The holes that the shark inflicted on the sub’s haul caused extensive damage. After it’s death a Cookiecutter shark can glow for three hours.