Conflict “all conflict is healthy”.. Understanding how decisions are made in the workplace and how conflict is resolved is a critical part of Youth Work.
Conflict There will be times when you will disagree with your colleagues and management about programs, funding, strategic planning, etc. There will also be times when you’ll want to advocate for your young people- which may put you in conflict with the other people you work with.
The Golden Rules Number 1- your client group is “why you’re here”. Ensure your clients meet the criteria. Watch ‘ownership’ in youth groups. Number 2- your agency (or organization) MUST be protected in order to continue to provide for your client group.
Number 3- there are always at least TWO points of view and ALL points of view are valid. Number 4- social issues are COMPLEX- solutions to social issues are complex too. There is rarely one solution (although we always look for the ‘simple solution’).
Number 5- politicians tend to legislate; it’s much CHEAPER. Number 6- funding bodies prefer to pay for ‘things’. Only the major players such as the Anti-Poverty Unit, Families SA, etc. will fund salaries.
Number 7- Corporate Sponsors rarely fund traditional Youth Work. Young people are not seen as ‘cute’. Number 8- Know the social structures in Australia. There is always an ‘appropriate body’ to deal with each issue. Number 9- The appropriate body is often the organization with the ‘end result’.
Conflict and Politics Number 10- Know your organization, its structure, roles, decision making and management style. Know your Manager and/or Management Committee. Number 11- Be prepared to ‘lobby’, but be careful with the politics.
‘Can do’ Number 12- Be a ‘solution’ not a problem for your Manager. Have a ‘can do’ approach. Number 13- Acknowledge the strengths of your team members. Be a ‘people builder’. Appreciate ‘diversity’, it will save you one day.
Reputations Number 14- Adelaide is a SMALL TOWN. Number 15- Trade on your reputation.
What to do.. Number 16- If you should find yourself in conflict with another staff member, think carefully about your position and go directly to your manager. DO NOT talk to others about this. Talk with your manager about “ways to resolve” this conflict. Maintain your discretion; your Manager will remember it. Number 17- If you have concerns about someone, keep a journal.
Time out Number 18- Take time off. You will not be effective if you burn out. You are not indispensible.
Organisational procedures Number 19- Evaluate your programs HONESTLY; there are always at least 3 or 4 different ways to achieve an outcome. Number 20- Work within the agency’s policies, procedures and structure. ALWAYS. Even when you think it’s unfair or a waste of time. If you don’t, someone will undermine you.
Be careful Number 21- Be careful what you say about others. Someone is always listening. Number 22- There are some things you should say (as opposed to ) face-to-face. Be careful what you say.
Time to go Number 23- Sometimes your ‘face doesn’t fit’ anymore. It’s a signal to move on. Don’t take it personally.
What’s fair? Number 24- Sometimes we can’t treat everyone ‘equally’. But we can always treat everyone FAIRLY. Most people are happy with this.
What they really want.. Number 25- Some people don’t want to ‘solve’ the problem, they just want to ‘talk about’ the problem. You need to challenge them. And get them off your case load.