Edexcel – Product Design: Graphics Other Materials Edexcel – Product Design: Graphics
Other Materials Composites Modern materials and products Smart Materials
Composites Carbon fibre Glass reinforced plastics (GRP) Sports equipment Excellent strength to weight ratio Very expensive, only available in black, hard to recycle Glass reinforced plastics (GRP) Vehicle bodies Expensive, high quality mould needed Medium density fibreboard (MDF) Flat pack furniture Consistent in all directions Heavier, dulls blades quicker
Composites Carbon fibre Glass reinforced plastics (GRP) Medium density fibreboard (MDF)
Modern materials and products Liquid crystal displays (LCDs) Digital watches and TV’s Goes dark when a voltage applied In TV’s has RGB layers Phosphorescent pigments “Glow in the dark” Absorb energy from light and stores Releases slowly at night Electroluminescent (E.L.) lighting Used for LCD backlighting and advertisements Converts electrical energy into light Waterproof and highly visible
Modern materials and products Liquid crystal displays (LCDs) Phosphorescent pigments Electroluminescent (E.L.) lighting
Smart Materials Thermochromic liquid crystals/film Forehead thermometers Reacts to temperature Piezoelectric crystals Converts movement into electricity and back Used in inkjet printers to push out ink Smart ink Also known as electronic ink (or e-ink) Kindle Displays only use energy when the display is refreshed Radio frequency identification (RFID) A method of identification Uses tags to store and track data Used in libraries, factories etc
Smart Materials Thermochromic liquid crystals/film Smart ink Radio frequency identification (RFID)
Task On the computer on the student dropbox: Fill out the sheet Subjects and Departments / Design Technology / Graphics / Year 12 Open the topic you are given Fill out the sheet Write a brief description for each material Find images of example products Advantages and disadvantages of each material Composites Modern materials and products Smart Materials