Electric dipole moments (EDM) experiments Making progress in 9 February 2015 EP-Seminar, CERN The status of EDM experiments and the Storage Ring Proton EDM Yannis Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS at KAIST Electric dipole moments (EDM) experiments Making progress in Electron, Neutron, & Storage ring Proton EDM experiments
Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST South Korea: New Institute with emphasis in basic science, $0.5B/year http://www.ibs.re.kr/eng.do Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
IBS/CAPP: Center for Axion and Precision Physics research Strong CP-Problem Axion dark matter search: State of the art axion dark matter experiment in Korea Collaborate with ADMX, CAST… Proton Electric Dipole Moment Experiment Storage ring proton EDM Muon g-2, mu2e, etc. Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST CAPP Group http://capp.ibs.re.kr/html/capp_en/ Several more Research Fellows signed up already… Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Physics at the Frontier, pursuing two approaches: Energy Frontier (LHC,…) Precision Frontier (gμ-2, mw, B, EDM, ν,…) which are complementary and inter-connected. The next SM will emerge with input from both approaches.
Physics reach of magic pEDM (Marciano) Sensitivity to new contact interactions: 1000 TeV Sensitivity to SUSY-type new Physics: The proton EDM at 10-29e∙cm has a reach of >300TeV or, if new physics exists at the LHC scale, <10-7-10-6 rad CP-violating phase; an unprecedented sensitivity level. The deuteron EDM sensitivity is similar. 6
Matter-antimatter asymmetry points to BSM CP-violation We see: From the SM: Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Cosmological inventory Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST Purcell and Ramsey: “The question of the possible existence of an electric dipole moment of a nucleus or of an elementary particle…becomes a purely experimental matter” Phys. Rev. 78 (1950) Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Short History of EDM 1950’s neutron EDM experiment (Ramsey & Parcel), looking for parity violation After P-violation was discovered it was realized EDMs require both P & T-violation 1960’s EDM searches in atomic systems 1970’s Indirect Storage Ring EDM method from the CERN muon g-2 exp. 1980’s Theory studies on systems (molecules) w/ large enhancement factors 1990’s First exp. attempts w/ molecules. Dedicated Storage Ring EDM method developed 2000’s Proposal for sensitive Deuteron EDM exp. 2010’s Proposal for sensitive Proton EDM exp.
Important Stages in an EDM Experiment Polarize: state preparation, intensity of beams Interact with an E-field: the higher the better Analyze: high efficiency analyzer Scientific Interpretation of Result! Easier for the simpler systems Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST Yannis Semertzidis, BNL. ICHEP02, 31 July 2002
EDM methods Neutrons: Ultra Cold Neutrons, apply large E-field and a small B-field. Probe frequency shift with E-field flip Atomic & Molecular Systems: Probe 1st order Stark effect Storage Ring EDM for charged particles: Utilize large E-field-Spin precesses out of storage plane (spin vector analysis)
Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST EDM method Advances Neutrons: advances in stray B-field effect reduction Atomic & Molecular Systems: high effective E-field Storage Ring EDM for D, P: High intensity polarized sources well developed; spin precession techniques in SR well understood Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST EDM method Weaknesses Neutrons: Intensity; High sensitivity to stray B-fields: uniformity and gradients; Motional B-fields and geometrical phases Atomic & Molecular Systems: Low intensity of desired states; in some systems: physics interpretation Storage Ring EDM: some systematic errors different from g-2 experiment, large structure Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
An electron in an atom… Schiff Theorem: A Charged Particle at Equilibrium Feels no Force… …An Electron in a Neutral Atom Feels no Force Either: …Otherwise it Would be Accelerated…(Note: Schiff actually said something else…)
Measuring an EDM of Neutral Particles H = -(d E+ μ B) ● I/I d E B µ mI = 1/2 ω2 ω1 mI = -1/2 d = 10-25 e cm E = 100 kV/cm w = 10-4 rad/s
Neutron EDM experimental limits vs. year
Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST Clayton, SNS Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST Clayton, SNS Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Applying spin dressing techniques to equalize and further reduce the stray B-field sensitivity
Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST Clayton, SNS Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST Clayton, SNS (Lepton Moments, 2014) Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Schedule Feb 2007 Conceptual Design Approved 2009 Technical Feasibility, Preliminary Engineering, Cost and Schedule Baseline Approved Aug 2010 DOE CD 2/3a Approval Jan 2011 Beneficial Occupancy of FnPB UCN Building Oct 2015 nEDM Project Completed 2018 First Published Results @ few ´ 10-27 e•cm 2020 nEDM Experiment Completed and Published @ few ´ 10-28 e•cm
PSI nEDM, P. Schmidt, Lepton Moments, 2014 The UCN source delivers sufficient statistics for data taking, potential improvements are being identified The nEDM experiment is taking data, operational reliability has been improved during shutdown 2014 As a test of magnetic field control we have measured the most precise gyromagnetic ratio of mercury-199 and neutron. We expect with 300 data-days until 2016 a statistical sensitivity of σ ≲10-26 e⋅cm
How about an electron in an atom… Schiff Theorem: A Charged Particle at Equilibrium Feels no Force… …An Electron in a Neutral Atom Feels no Force Either: …Otherwise it Would be Accelerated…(Note: Schiff actually said something else…)
Schiff Theorem: A Charged Particle at Equilibrium Feels no Force… …An electron in a neutral atom feels no force either. However, the average interaction energy is not zero because the EDM in the lab frame is velocity dependent E. Commins et al., Am. J. Phys. 75 (6) 2007
The apparatus and parameter values B=22 mG V=±10 KV, E=~2 MV/m (height of cell ~1cm) SCT = 102 s Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST The data The drift in frequency is taken out by taking the frequency difference between the cells. Runs with micro-sparking are taken out. Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
The results and best limits It now dominates the limits on many parameters They expect another improvement factor ~3 - 5.
History of 199Hg EDM results Lamoreaux Jacobs Klipstein Fortson Griffith Swallows Romalis Loftus Fortson Now we will move on to EDM searches (T violation) in which atomic experiments are way out there in a claswsw of their own in what they have to tell us about particle physics. Current sensitivity 1987 1993 1995 2001 2009 2014 Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
ThO EDM: The ACME team Paul Hess Brendon O’Leary Ben Spaun Cris Panda Jacob Baron Nick Hutzler Elizabeth Petrik Adam West Ivan Kozyryev Max Parsons Emil Kirilov Get new pic with Emil Add photos of all PbO team Amar Vutha Wes Campbell Yulia Gurevich John Doyle Gerald Gabrielse DPD
Amplifying the electric field E with a polar molecule Eext Th+ Small energy splittings in molecules enable polarization P ~ 100% (Eext ~ 1 V/cm enough for ThO) Eeff O– Inside molecule, eEDM acted on by Eeff ~ P 2Z 3e/a02 due to relativistic motion P. Sandars 1965 D. DeMille, LM 2014 Eeff 80 GV/cm for ThO* Meyer & Bohn (2008); Skripnikov, Petrov & Titov (2013); Fleig & Nayak (2014) 104(26) 84(13) 75(2) Requires unpaired electron spin(s)
Systematic Error Budget de x10-30 e-cm Statistical error: 37 D. DeMille, LM 2014 Systematic shifts applied only from effects observed to move EDM channel Applied shift small compared to uncertainties
Many upgrades planned for ACME signal size Electrostatic focusing of molecular beam: ~20x (***) Stimulated vs. spontaneous state prep: ~8x (***) Thermochemical beam source ~10-50x (**) New fluorescence collection & detectors ~4-10x (*) Cycling fluorescence ~3-10x (*) Longer integration time ~10-100x (***) = fully characterized in auxiliary tests (**) = partially characterized (*) = preliminary observations and/or theory estimates Focusing simulation STIRAP data? Thermochemical beam source data? D. DeMille, LM 2014 >300x gain in N appears feasible ultimately
Adam Ritz, LM 2014
Adam Ritz, LM 2014
Adam Ritz, LM 2014
Adam Ritz, LM 2014
Storage Ring Proton EDM Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Storage Ring Electric Dipole Moment Experiment for the Proton Revolution in statistics: 1E11 pol. Protons per 1000 s Strong endorsement from P5 under all funding cond. Discussion with DOE-HEP office to plan a successful experiment An experiment to probe proton EDM to 10-29ecm Most sensitive, flavor-conserving CP-violation Complementary to LHC and the neutron EDM; probes New Physics ~1E3 TeV Based on “g-2” experience using the magic momentum technique with electric fields
The storage ring Proton Major characteristics of a successful Electric Dipole Moment Experiment Statistical power: High intensity beams Long beam lifetime Long Spin Coherence Time An indirect way to cancel B-field effect A way to cancel geometric-phase effects Control detector systematic errors The storage ring Proton EDM method has it all!
Feasibility of an all-electric ring First all-electric ring (AGS-analog) proposed/built 1953-57. It worked! Two encouraging technical reviews performed at BNL: Dec. 2009, March 2011. Fermilab comprehensive review: Fall 2013. Val Lebedev considers the concept to be sound. Cost (2011, 2012 engineering cost): $70M + tunnel.
Proton storage ring EDM experiment is combination of beam + a trap
Stored beam: The radial E-field force is balanced by the centrifugal force. Yannis Semertzidis, BNL 44
The proton EDM uses an ALL-ELECTRIC ring: spin is aligned with the momentum vector at the magic momentum E Momentum vector Spin vector Yannis Semertzidis, BNL 45
Feasibility of an all-electric ring Two technical reviews have been performed at BNL: Dec 2009, March 2011 Fermilab thorough review. Val Lebedev considers the concept to be sound. First all-electric ring: AGS-analog Ring radius 4.7m Proposed-built 1953-57 It worked! Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
The proton EDM ring evaluation Val Lebedev (Fermilab) Beam intensity 1011 protons limited by IBS , kV
The proton EDM ring Total circumference: 500 m Straight sections are instrumented with quads, BPMs, polarimeters, injection points, etc, as needed.
pEDM polarimeter principle (placed in a straight section in the ring): probing the proton spin components as a function of storage time Micro-Megas detector, MRPC or Si. “defining aperture” polarimeter target Extraction: lowering the vertical focusing carries EDM signal increases slowly with time carries in-plane (g-2) precession signal
International srEDM Network Common R&D srEDM Coll. pEDM Proposal to DOE HEP, NP SQUID-based BPMs B-field shielding/compensation Precision simulation Systematic error studies E-field tests … JEDI (COSY/Jülich) Pre-cursor EDM exp. Polarimeter tests Spin Coherence Time tests Precision simulation Cooling E-field tests …
What has been accomplished? Polarimeter systematic errors (with beams at KVI, and stored beams at COSY). Precision beam/spin dynamics tracking. Stable lattice, IBS lifetime: 104 s. Spin coherence time 103 s; role of sextupoles understood (using stored beams at COSY). Feasibility of required electric field strength 5 MV/m, 3cm plate separation (JLab, FNAL) Analytic estimation of electric fringe fields and precision beam/spin dynamics tracking. Stable! (Paper already published or in progress.)
Work of Md. A. Mamun and E. Forman J-Lab E-field work: TiN-coated Aluminum No measureable field emission at 225 kV for gaps > 40 mm, happy at high gradient Bare Al TiN-coated Al the hard coating covers defects Work of Md. A. Mamun and E. Forman
Any radial magnetic field sensed by the Clock-wise (CW) & Counter-Clock-wise Storage Any radial magnetic field sensed by the stored particles will also cause their vertical splitting. Unique feature among EDM experiments… Equivalent to p-bar p colliders in Magnetic rings Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST 53
Distortion of the closed orbit due to Nth-harmonic of radial B-field Clockwise beam Y(ϑ) The N=0 component is a first order effect! Counter-clockwise beam Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST Time [s]
SQUID gradiometers at KRISS
SQUID gradiometers at KRISS Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
B-field Shielding Requirements No need for shielding: In principle, with counter-rotating beams. However: BPMs are located only in straight sections sampling finite. The B-field needs to be less than (10-100nT) everywhere to reduce its effect. We are building a prototype (Selcuk Haciomeroglu, CAPP). Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Peter Fierlinger, Garching/Munich Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Technically driven pEDM timeline 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Two years system development One year final ring design Three years beam-line construction and installation Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
What makes the pEDM experiment Magic momentum (MM): high intensity charged beam in an all-electric storage ring High analyzing power: A>50% at the MM Weak vertical focusing in an all-electric ring: SCT allows for 103s beneficial storage; prospects for much longer SCT with mixing (cooling and heating) The beam vertical position tells the average radial B-field; the main systematic error source Geometrical-phase specs: 0.1mm plate alignment. Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
The Proton EDM experiment status Support for the proton EDM: CAPP/IBS, KAIST in Korea, R&D support for SQUID-based BPMs, Prototype polarimeter, Spin Coherence Time (SCT) simulations. COSY/Germany, studies with stored, polarized beams, pre-cursor experiment. After the P5 endorsement DOE-HEP requested a white paper to establish the proton EDM experimental plan. Large ring radius is favored: Lower E-field strength required, Long SCT, 10-100nT B-field tolerance in ring. Use of existing ring preferred.
Physics strength comparison (Marciano) System Current limit [ecm] Future goal Neutron equivalent Neutron <1.6×10-26 ~10-28 10-28 199Hg atom <3×10-29 10-25-10-26 129Xe atom <6×10-27 ~10-30-10-33 10-26-10-29 Deuteron nucleus ~10-29 3×10-29- 5×10-31 Proton nucleus <7×10-25 10-29 Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST 63
Statistics limited Sensitivity to Rule on Several New Models Baryogenises Electroweak GUT SUSY Gray: Neutron Red: Electron If found it could explain Baryogenesis (p, d, n (or 3He)) n current e current n target p, d target e target Upgrade? Statistics limited Electron EDM new physics reach: 1-3 TeV Much higher physics reach than LHC; complementary e-cm J.M.Pendlebury and E.A. Hinds, NIMA 440 (2000) 471
Summary EDM experiments are making steady progress in the electron and neutron EDM sensitivity. The storage ring proton EDM has been developed. The breakthrough? Statistics! Best sensitivity hadronic EDM method. pEDM first goal 10-29 ecm with a final goal 10-30 ecm. Complementary to LHC; probes New Physics ~103 TeV.
Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST Extra slides Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
srEDM International Collaboration COSY: Strong collaboration with Jülich/Germany continues We’ve been doing Polarimeter Development, Spin Coherence Time benchmarking, Syst. Errors, Beam/Spin dynamics simulation, etc. for >5 years w/ stored pol. beams. JLAB: breakthrough work on large E-Fields KOREA: We are forming the EDM group and getting started with system developments. ITALY (Ferrara, Frascati,…) TURKEY (ITU,…) GREECE (Demokritos, …) Three PhDs already: KVI, Ferrara, ITU Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
The JEDI experiment status Helmholtz Foundation evaluation, early 2014. The pre-cursor experimental program is approved: Use of the existing COSY ring, slightly modified to become sensitive to deuteron EDM (RF-Wien filter). EDM sensitivity moderate, but significant as first direct measurement. Asked to prepare a CDR for a sensitive storage ring EDM experiment. Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST Why now? Exciting progress in electron EDM using molecules. Several neutron EDM experiments under development to improve their sensitivity level. Proton EDM could be decisive to clarify the picture. Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Storage ring proton EDM method All-electric storage ring. Strong radial E-field to confine protons with “magic” momentum. The spin vector is aligned to momentum horizontally. High intensity, polarized proton beams are injected Clockwise and Counter-clockwise with positive and negative helicities. Great for systematics Great statistics: up to ~1011 particles with primary proton beams and small phase-space parameters. Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Large Scale Electrodes, New: pEDM electrodes with HPWR Parameter Tevatron pbar-p Separators BNL K-pi Separators pEDM Length 2.6m 4.5m 3m Gap 5cm 10cm 3cm Height 0.2m 0.4m Number 24 2 102 Max. HV 180KV 200KV 150KV
The grand issues in the proton EDM experiment BPM magnetometers (need to demonstrate in a storage ring environment) Polarimeter development: high efficiency, small systematic errors Spin Coherence Time (SCT): study at COSY/simulations; Simulations for an all-electric ring: SCT and systematic error studies Electric field development for large surface area plates Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
1. Beam Position Monitors Technology of choice: Low Tc SQUIDS, signal at 102-104Hz (10% vertical tune modulation) R&D sequence: Operate SQUIDS in a magnetically shielded area-reproduce current state of art Operate in RHIC at an IP (evaluate noise in an accelerator environment); Operate in E-field string test Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
2. Polarimeter Development Polarimeter tests with runs at KVI & COSY demonstrated < 1ppm level systematic errors: N. Brantjes et al., NIM A 664, 49, (2012) Technologies under investigation: Micro-Megas/Greece: high rate, pointing capabilities, part of R&D for ATLAS upgrade MRPC/Italy: high energy resolution, high rate capability, part of ALICE development Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
3. Spin Coherence Time: need >102 s Not all particles have same deviation from magic momentum, or same horizontal and vertical divergence (all second order effects) They cause a spread in the g-2 frequencies: Present design parameters allow for 103 s. Cooling/mixing during storage could prolong SCT (upgrade option?). Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
The miracles that make the pEDM Magic momentum (MM): high intensity charged beam in an all-electric storage ring High analyzing power: A>50% at the MM Weak vertical focusing in an all-electric ring: SCT allows for 103s beneficial storage; prospects for much longer SCT with mixing (cooling and heating) The beam vertical position tells the average radial B-field; the main systematic error source Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST Hadronic EDMs ~ Order of magnitude estimation of the neutron EDM: M. Pospelov, A. Ritz, Ann. Phys. 318 (2005) 119. From dimensional analysis Why so small? Axions? CAST, ADMX,… Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST Yannis Semertzidis, BNL. ICHEP02, 31 July 2002
Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST Quark EM and Color EDMs i.e. Deuterons and neutrons are sensitive to different linear combination of quarks and chromo-EDMs… The Deuteron is ~20 times more sensitive… Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST Yannis Semertzidis, BNL. ICHEP02, 31 July 2002 79
If nEDM is discovered at 10-28 ecm level? The deuteron EDM is complementary to neutron and in fact has better sensitivity. Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST Yannis Semertzidis, BNL 80
Physics Motivation of dEDM Sensitivity to new contact interaction: 3000 TeV Sensitivity to SUSY-type new Physics: The Deuteron EDM at 10-29e∙cm has a reach of ~300TeV or, if new physics exists at the LHC scale, 10-5 rad CP-violating phase. Both are much beyond the design sensitivity of LHC. Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST Yannis Semertzidis, BNL 81
Deuteron EDM High sensitivity to non-SM CP-violation Negligible SM background Physics beyond the SM (e.g. SUSY) expect CP-violation within reach Complementary and better than nEDM If observed it will provide a new, large source of CP-violation that could explain the Baryon Asymmetry of our Universe (BAU) Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST Yannis Semertzidis, BNL 82
Overview of EDM experiments EDMs with spins: First rate physics It will not be done at LHC. Its physics is complementary and many times better than the LHC reach. The next decade promises to be very exciting The experiments are very challenging and lots of fun Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST Yannis Semertzidis, BNL. ICHEP02, 31 July 2002
Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST Tests at COSY ring at Juelich/Germany Goals: Construct prototype dEDM polarimeter. Install in COSY ring for commissioning, calibration, and testing for sensitivity to EDM polarization signal and systematic errors. Current location behind present EDDA detector. Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST 3 Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST Systematic errors The systematic error is ~60% of the statistical error Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
The Permanent EDM of the Neutron A permanent EDM d The current value is < 3 x 10-26 e•cm (90% C.L.) Hope to obtain roughly < 2 x 10-28 e•cm with UCN in superfluid He + - s = 1/2 d•E Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST Deformed nuclei 225Ra at Argonne National Lab, Roy Holt et al. 225Ra (starting tests with Ba) at KVI (The Netherlands): K. Jungmann, L. Willmann… Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Bounds on CP Violating Parameters d(199Hg) = (0.49 ± 1.29stat ± 0.76sys ) x 10-29 e cm | d(199Hg) | < 3.1 x 10-29 e cm (95% CL) Confidence Levels: 199Hg (95%), 205TI (90%), TIF (95%) Quark Chromo EDMs Proton EDM Semi-Leptonic Interactions: QCD Phase Neutron EDM Electron EDM Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Summary Our 2009 Result led to a New Limit on the EDM of 199Hg | d(199Hg) | < 3.1 x 10-29 e cm (95% CL) Factor of 7 Reduction in Previous Upper Limit Improved Bounds on CP Violating Parameters Expect Factor of 5 improvement in Experimental Sensitivity Expect to begin data collection later this year Upgrading the Current Apparatus Among his many accomplishments, Norman Ramsey founded the research field of EDM measurements and developed many of the techniques needed to do such precise measurements. He will always be an inspiration to us.
A forecast: electron EDM e-edm, 10-32 2009 Cornell Gould Hinds, 10-29 Heinzen Molecules Shafer-Ray, 10-28 DeMille, few x 10-30 Weiss, 4 x 10-30 Atoms 2007 DeMille, fewer x 10-28 Hinds, few x 10-28 2006 Present bound: Tl, 1.6 x 10-27 Solid state Lamoreaux Liu Hunter
Next generation: neutron and deuteron 2009 SNS Talk by Kirch n, room T PSI, 10-27 Talks by Peng, Karamath ILL; few x 10-28 n, cryo 2006 Present bound: n, 3 x 10-26 Deuteron 2012-13? Talks by Onderwater, Orlov
Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST Noise level: 0.9 fT/√Hz Vertical tune modulation frequency: 10 kHz Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Peter Fierlinger, Garching/Munich Issues: demagnetization, effect of holes, etc. Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Polarimeter design, rates: Beam rates ~102 Hz/cm2 on average, higher at small radius. Design: ~1KHz/pad. Store bunches with positive/negative helicity for pol. syst. errors. 70 cm
The EDM signal: early to late change Comparing the (left-right)/(left+right) counts vs. time we monitor the vertical component of spin M.C. data (L-R)/(L+R) vs. Time [s] Opposite helicity bunches result to opposite sign slopes Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Large polarimeter analyzing power at Pmagic! Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST Yannis Semertzidis, BNL
Data: From the June 2008 run at COSY Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST
Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST Our proton EDM plan Develop the following systems (funded by IBS/Korea, COSY/Germany, applying for NSF support, and DOE-HEP/NP): SQUID-based BPM prototype, includes B-field shielding (UMass, CAPP/Korea, BNL,…) Polarimeter development (Ind. Univ., CAPP, COSY,…) Electric field prototype (Old Dom. Un. (NSF), JLab,…) Study of systematic errors (BNL, FNAL, Cornell,…) Precision beam and spin dynamics simulation (BNL, CAPP, Cornell, COSY,…) Lattice optimization, beam diagnostics (MSU (NSF),…) Y. Semertzidis, CAPP/IBS, KAIST