software products and services EBA Information Technology Committee is a closed Committee which unites companies engaged in producing and providing software products and services. The Mission of the Committee is to facilitate the IT sector development in Ukraine according to European business practices by advocating a professional IT community coherent vision and the members` collective interests. 25 leading IT companies = employees (in March 2012) IT specialists (Ukrainian software industry) = employees (source: Pension Fund of Ukraine)
What we do: In the Draft Law 9744 we propose changes before the 2 nd Parliament reading: 5%Single Social Contribution – 5% ( but not less than 37,76% * 2 min wages) 5%Individual Income Tax – 5% (but not less than 17% * 2 min wages) 5%Corporate tax – 5% Clear scheme of administration of the Law (as in Tax Code of Ukraine, art.209)Clear scheme of administration of the Law (as in Tax Code of Ukraine, art.209) SPECIAL REGIME OF TAXATION ITindustry SPECIAL REGIME OF TAXATION for IT industry Collaboration of IT companies with Ministry of Education, Science, Youth and Sport to set: Educational standards, Educational programs, Cooperationof IT companies with Ministry of Social Policy and State Center of Employment to retrain unemployed people to become: IT testers, IT programmers IT education development To change legislation: tax preferences for the industry in general, and startups in particular, labor, customs, IP and copyright legislation. Effective commercialization of innovations Creation of conditions for venture capital and angels investors Creation of infrastructure, business incubators, technolog y parks The development of secondary and higher education. START-UPS support
What we do: Amending of the Law of Ukraine on Personal Data Protection Corporate Code of Conduct in information technology sphere Data Protection Developmennt of the E- Government concept « E- Government for people and business » Changes of some legislative acts Elaboration of the requirements for E- Government E-Government
Julia Veselkova IT Committee Coordinator European Business Association 1st floor, 1A Andriyivsky uzviz Kyiv, 04070, Ukraine Mob: Tel: Fax: