Advanced Data Communication Spring 2010
Due Date April 9th, 2010
Synopsis In this project, you will modify the previous project to generate a trace file and analyze the trace file to measure various performance measurements. Note that this trace file is not the NAM trace file. The trace file contains a sequence of texts where each line indicates an event of the simulation. For the foramt of the trace file, refer the following web: Select the same set of simulation parameters as the previous project, and save three trace files with different file names. The number of lines in a trace file will be so huge that you will not be able to calculate performance measurements manually. Instead, you must write an analysis program in any programming language. For example, C/C++, Java, Perl, Awk, Python, Matlab, etc. There are a lot of online resources for the analysis program, you may need to modify one to demonstrate the following performance measurements: Throughput Delay Probability Density of Delay Pakcet loss rate “ns-scan” is an analysis program written by Stephen and his associates. You may use this program and customize it for this project. Note that the source of ns-scan is available on the couse web.
Team You will form a group of 5 persons. Each group submits ONE copy of the project report, but each member completes a “Peer Rating” form and submits it to the instructor CONFIDENTIALLY.
Submission You will submit a project report that follows the IEEE conference publication format. The report includes but is not limited to the objective, experiment methods, and result analysis. All text sources will be included as appendices, containing source files (tcl files) and configuration file if exists.