CONFESSION OF FAITH I am now releasing my faith by confessing this to be the greatest day of my life. This is the day that the Lord hath made; I will rejoice and be glad in it. I am a recreated being, “old things have passed away and all things have become new.” I am created into His glorious image and likeness; I am his workmanship and am complete in Christ. I am full of his Spirit and divine power. I am God’s property. I have been bought with the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, I am free from the curse of the law. Sin, sickness, poverty, fear, doubt, worry, confusion, and all that Satan represents shall not have dominion over me. I am prospering, in my SPIRIT, SOUL, BODY AND FINANCES, for I am a liberated person. Jesus said, “I will know the truth and the truth would make me free.” I am “standing fast in the liberty wherein Christ has made me free.” I am expecting God to meet all my needs and to “do superabundantly above all I dare to ask, hope, dream or desire” in every area of my life. I speak directly to every mountain of satanic adversity in my life and command them to go in the Name of Jesus. They cannot stay, they must go in Jesus’ Name. Through the abundance of God’s Grace, I have received the gift of righteousness for I am the righteousness of God in Christ and am now reigning in this life by Christ Jesus. Today I will worship with all my heart, soul, and strength. I lift up my voice and hands in praise and adoration to His glorious Name for He is worthy of praise, and He has made me worthy to praise His name.
The Living Word And the rain descended, and the flood came, and the winds blew, and beat upon the house; and it fell not, for it was founded upon a rock. Matthew 7:25
My Declaration of Freedom I am a child of God…Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law…The SON has made me free…My Romans 8:16 Galations 3:13 John 8:36 delight is in the law of the LORD and in His law I will meditate…I seek first the Kingdom of God and His Psalms 1:2 righteousness and all things are added unto me…God’s word shall make my way prosperous and Matthew 6:33 successful…Those things which I say and believe shall come to pass…Whatever I do will prosper…My god Joshua 1:8 Mark 11:23-24 Psalms 1:3 supplieth all my need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus…The LORD is My shepherd, I do not Philippians 4:19 want…The LORD has pleasure in my prosperity…Wealth and riches shall be in my house…I AM A Psalms 23:1 Psalms 35:7 Psalms 112:13 CONQUEROR…I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me…Greater is He that is in me than Romans 8:37 Philippians 4:13 He that is in the world…No weapon formed against me shall prosper…No evil shall befall me, neither I John 4:4 Isaiah 54:7 shall any plague come nigh my dwelling…His angels have charge over me and shall protect me…By His stripes Psalms 91:10 Psalms 91:11 I am Healed…God sent His world and healed me…For He came that I might have LIFE and have it more I Peter 2:24 Psalms 107:20 abundantly…And I having received the gift of righteousness, do reign as a King in LIFE by Christ Jesus. John 10:10 Romans 5:17