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Page 2 Mehran University College Of Engineeirng And Technology Kkaripur Mir’s Name:- Gul Nawaz Khan Mahar Roll No:- 12K-EL 17, 12K-EL 01, 12K-EL 03,52 Assignment:- Computer & E-Learning Lecturer:- Engineer Ehsanullah Memon Last date of submission:
Page 3 Overview Types of computer:- 1.Analogue computer 2.Digital computer 3.Hybrid computer Classes of computer:- 1.Desktop pc 2.Workstation pc 3.Notebook pc 4.Tablet pc 5.Handheld pc 6.Smart phones
Page 4 INTRODUCTION TO TYPES OF COMPUTER:- Computer are available in different shapes, size and weights, They perform different sort of jobs All the computers are designed by the qualified architectures as per requirement of users Computers have many types But Basic three types are as under:- 1.Analogue computer 2.Digital computer 3.Hybrid computer
Page 5 Analog Computer Hybrid Computer Digital Computer
Page 6 Analogue computer:- It uses the analogue signals Contineous varing voltage In contrast, digital computers work on numerical values called digits Analog computers have been built using mechanical, hydraulic, optical and electric principles Used to measure values and other required operations like temperature & volume Had elecrtical provlems and limitaions Use of Analog computers is almost obsolete now
Page 7 Analogue computers Contineously varing voltage
Page 8 Digital Computer:- Stores data in terms of digits (numbers) Data is represented by 1 and 0 (0=OFF, 1=ON) High speed and aren’t affected by atmosphere In digital computers, even letters, words and whole texts are represented digitally Usually in the binary number system circuits perform directly methamatical operations addition, substraction, division, and multiplication A digital computer can store the results of its calculations for later use
Page 9 Digital computers Digital signals showing ON and OFF position
Page 10 Hybrid computer:- Has both qualities i.e analogue and digital contains convertes which converts analogue signals to digital and vise versa Digital component normally serves as the controller Analogue component normally serves as a solver Accepts analog signals, converts them to digital So also known as analog-digital computer Hybrid computers measures discrete values (digital) Changes continuously in magnitude (analog)
Page 11 Hybrid computers
Page 12 Classes Of Computer:- Introduction:- Classification of computers can be determined only by computer’s Size & Power Computers are classified in six models given below 1.Desktop pc 2. Workstation pc 3. Notebook pc 4. Tablet pc 5. Hand Held pc 6. Smart Phones
Page 13 Desktop pc:- Two designs Horizontal (desktop) and Vertical (tower) Used for communication, produce music, graphics, video etc Desktop computers are usually less expensive than laptops Most desktops offer more power, storage and versatility Mostlay suitable for office and home usage Desktop computers have generally limited editions comparing to Tower Can be connected to local and wide area network for internet access wide range of high performance desktop pcs’ are now available
Page 14 Tower Model Desktop Model
Page 15 Work station pc:- More powerful than desktop pc Large high resolution monitors and accelerated graphics More powerful processor, additional memory Ehanced capabilities for performing a special group of task Specially used for 3D Graphics or game development Most sound editors use workstation computers for sound editing Like personal computers, most workstations are single-user computers workstations are typically linked together to form a local area network
Page 16 Work station pcs
Page 17 Notebook pc:- Size can be 8.5 to 11 inches are called Laptops They need batteries for power Laptops are portable computers that integrate the display, keyboard, a pointing device or trackball Processor, memory and hard drive all in a battery-operated Slightly larger than an average hardcover book It is designed for mobility, miniaturized technology Made for low power consumption But significantly more expensive than desktop systems
Page 18 Notebook pcs
Page 19 Tablet pc:- Tablet PC or slate-shaped mobile computer Equipped with a touch screen type of notebook Same functions as notebook pc but have pen Special-purpose pen called Stylus The handwriting is digitized and can be converted to standard text The tablet PC relies on digital ink (technology that digitally represents handwriting in its natural form) Create an electromagnetic field below LCD that can capture the movement of the pen Its effect is like writing on paper with liquid ink
Page 20 Tablet pcs
Page 21 Hand Held pc:- Computing devices, small enough to held in hand Called personal digital assistant(PDA) Applications are taking notes, displaying telephone numbers It can be connected to large phones Most PDA come with touch screen Access the internet through wireless connection Offer features like, cameras, music players, global positioning system
Page 22 Handheld pcs
Page 23 Smart phones pc:- Simply a phone with advanced features like , Internet and e-book Reader capabilities and built-in keyboard It is a miniature computer that has phone capability Smart cell phone is a mobile phone Advanced capabilities, often with PC-like functionality and can work PC- Mobile handset conversion Have a lot of verity in it Used frequently all over the globe
Page 24 Smart phones