Texas e-Grants Status Report, Phase I Find Funding Opportunity Information May 22, 2007
Purpose and Intent Establishes a one-stop searchable website to identify and view state- funded grant funding opportunities as well as federal grant funding opportunities that pass-through from Texas state agencies
Status---Phase I Implementation Texas eGrants Search engine /egrants/search.htm /egrants/search.htm “Soft launch” of search/find feature kicked off the week of April 2, 2007.
Status---Phase I Soft Launch Phase Texas state agencies are entering funding opportunity information into the database. Challenges Active participation by all appropriate state agencies.
Next Steps Meet with Texas state agencies to obtain feedback about ease and usability of Find features in Texas eGrants system Obtain feedback from user community about ease of use Review and make appropriate accommodations in the system Determine timeline for further system streamlining
Status---Phase II Online Application Submittal Timeline not yet established Meet with targeted state agencies to identify and establish system requirements