Iowa “boots on the ground” for conservation: District opportunities Clare Lindahl Executive Director Conservation Districts of Iowa
Keep lobbying for state and federal staff WARNING: Patience required! District opportunities
Apply for a funding opportunity: Farm Bill Lobe Opportunity Water Quality Initiative Conservation Innovation Grants Water Protection Fund (WPF) and/or Watershed Protection Fund (WSPF) Local grants through foundations and corporations District opportunities
Implement a good hiring process: Utilize the employee/employer handbooks Finding, interviewing and evaluating employees Send to CDI to distribute announcement Send your employee to training. District opportunities
Find efficiencies Embrace technologies and innovations Engage the private sector District opportunities
Forge a new partnership. Some Districts are sharing an employee with the Board of Supervisors, Co-op, hunting group, etc. CDI can assist with a letter of request. District opportunities
Lean on: Conservation Districts of Iowa Field Representative Regional Basin Coordinator District opportunities
Sense of urgency More people to feed More food to produce Litigation Less federal and state resources Thank you for the time you volunteer as an elected official. Locally Led