Theme 1 Governance, politics and marketization – changes in the Nordic understanding of justice through education Joint meeting with the 2 teams
Ongoing projects related to the theme (incomplete list) PARENTS AND SCHOOL CHOICE (PASC). Family Strategies, Segregation and School Policies in Chilean and Finnish Basic Schooling. (Univ. of Helsinki) INCLUSIVE AND COMPETITIVE. Working under conflicting demands in upper secondary school (Univ. of Umeå) UNSAFE TRANSITIONS. Drop-out from upper secondary school in individual and institutional perspectives (Univ. Of Umeå). TRANSITIONS OF YOUNG PEOPLE ‘AT RISK’ IN THE PROJECT SOCIETY (Univ. of Helsinki Univ)
Collaboration plans/ideas (1)Build on existing projects, extend them by getting new funding. Joint analysis and comparison from a Nordic perspective (2) New project ideas (3) Applying existing concepts and models on new fields of research (4) Conference Spring 2014 (5) Publications related to activities 1-4 (6) Workshops related to activities 1-5 (7) Joint supervision of PhD students?
Concrete examples of 1-3 (1) Extending ongoing projects - Inclusive and competitive -Unsafe transitions (‘lost in transition’) -Collecting and jointly analysing data on Nordic education/education politics (2) Possible new projects -New politics of inclusion - new social divisions and inequalities. Diversification of inclusion (institutional, individual levels) (3) Applying existing concepts and models -Using the model of transnational dynamics in (re-) analysis of Nordic education politics -Applying models/concepts developed in analyses of compulsory and upper-secondary in the fields of further and higher education