Room 226, 402 or media center - Feb 11 th Help homeless teens in our area Reading Bowl Team
January 20, 21, 22 See Coach G if you have any questions! Room 114
Varsity Basketball Jan 20 th vs Woodland 6/7:30 home Jan 24 th vs Locust Grove 3:30/5 hm
Jan 20 th vs Woodland 4:30 boys Jan 24 th vs Locust Grove 12:30/2
JV and VARSITY Jan 21 st Lithonia, Whitewater & Woodland Jan 24 th Crossbone East Paulding
Boys & Girls wanting to play GOLF there will be a meeting in room 3:30 Thursday, Jan 22 nd
For Current 11 th Grade: Thursday Jan 22 nd 6 P.M. For Current 10 th Grade: Tuesday Feb 3 rd 6 P.M. For Current 9 th Grade: Tuesday Feb 24 th 6 P.M. Parent & Student Meetings
*Bring your old shoes in a clear plastic bag *Drop them off in the box at the front office *Children's, Men's & Women’s shoes up to size 8 SPANISH CLUB IS HOSTING A SHOE DRIVE FOR THE PEOPLE OF GUATEMALA!
GET ANSWERS -Sign up in the counseling office for the ASVAB today! COLLEGE? CAREER? ? ? ? ? ? Test will be given Thursday, Jan. 29 th
Interested in being a part of a nationally award-winning staff, taking & editing photos, learning to use PhotoShop, and creating a book filled with memories? Pick up a yearbook application in the counseling office. Due to Ms. Legg by Jan. 30!
UGHS Girls Swim Team Jan 31 st 10am County Lundquist Aquatic Center
Savannah College of Art and Design in Atlanta, Hong Kong, Savannah or online via eLearning *Visit the counseling office by Feb 1 st for nomination $20,000 SCHOLARSHIP
$2000 Scholarship for Christian Student Athletes! Application Deadline: February 1, 2015 To apply online visit:
WHEN: Feb 6 st & April 3 rd HOW: Contact the counseling. office for information
Parent/Student Information Session at Union Grove High School Monday Feb 9 6 pm
PREVENT DISTRACTED WALKING Deadline 2/10/15 Enter the Drive2Life Contest by creating a public service announcement $1000 prize and trip to New York DUE FEB 10 th
Scholarship Application Due Feb 15 th JRF Scholars receives $24,000 over 4 yrs Visit the counseling office for details
REPUBLICAN WOMEN OF HENRY COUNTY SCHOLARSHIP AMOUNT: $1000 DESCRIPTION: Senior girls in Henry County with a min GPA 3.0 must write an essay Forms in the counseling office DEADLINE: February 28, 2015
Attention, Wolverines! BY STUDENTS, FOR STUDENTS For the top news stories and features from your favorite student-led, student-run school publication, check out The Prowler newsmagazine online at !
PROM TICKETS can be purchased from Ms. VonLanken in the front office or from Ms. Merlino in room 333 Ticket prices are: January $70.00 Feb-Mar $80.00 No ticket sales in April
Check the SCHOOL WEBSITE under Administration tab then Counseling for several SCHOLARSHIPS
LUNCH Chicken Nuggets Little Smokies Mashed potatoes, baked beans, Squash & Red peppers, Pineapple tidbits, banana, roll TUE 1-20