Ken Horner Vice President of Financial & Administrative Services
Reduction %Reduction Amount May reduction2.4%$339,000 October reduction3.5%472,000 Anticipated January reduction3.5%472,000 Total9.4%$1,284,000
Columbia237,000287,000 Williamson Co. 12,000 50,000 Lawrence Co.13,50026,500 Lewisburg20,000 Clifton19,000 Total262,500402,500 Expenditures per sq. ft.$5.41$6.30
2000 Decreasing state support Increasing productivity requirements for faculty and staff Increasing problems with aging facilities and deferred maintenance Increasing technology requirements Increasing difficulty hiring staff and maintaining competitive salaries 2008 Significantly decreasing state support Increasing productivity requirements for faculty and staff Increasing problems with aging facilities and deferred maintenance Increasing technology requirements Increasing difficulty hiring staff and maintaining competitive salaries Fees increasing at significant rates
Investing our budget dollars strategically Deciding what enrollment level we can support Balancing access with budget Sustainability
To produce the paper in the handouts: Used 3% of a tree Used 27 kWh of electricity Used 50 gallons of water Generated 3 pounds of solid waste Generated 7 pounds of greenhouse gases