Macbeth Vocabulary Macbeth #1 corporal equivocation harbinger mirth parricide plight prate palpable trammel verity Macbeth #2 apparition avarice conjure nonpareil judicious tyrant jovial vice pristine pernicious
equivocation Micaiah said, “English class is baaaad.” Does that mean that he likes class, or he doesn’t? That kind of equivocation is confusing.
harbinger The daffodils were a harbinger of spring. When Markeisha sees these happy flowers, she knows that spring is near.
parricide Cosean ran into class and asked, “Did you all see the news last night?! John Doe killed his parents and two of his uncles. He may get the death penalty for committing parricide.”
palpable Saquayla was furious because Kyra had stolen her boyfriend. As Saquayla glared at Kyra, her anger was so intense that it seemed palpable.
trammel Horace walked into class and fell down. Alan investigated Horace’s problem and found that Horace’s shoelaces had trammeled his steps.
prate LaReisha was talkative when she arrived to class. In fact, she prated the entire class (much to Ms. Genung’s dismay).
verity Before Mija walked into class twenty minutes late, she knew she had to come up with a good excuse. Therefore, she told Ms. Genung, “As I was walking to class, a student tripped up the steps and broke her arm, her nose and both legs, and she shattered her earlobe. I had to escort her to the office and then wait for an ambulance.” Ms. Genung replied, “Do you really expect me to believe that story? Is there any verity in it?”
mirth Arlinda grumbled as she walked into class, “I know I’m usually pretty happy when I come to class, but today is different. All of my mirth is gone because Lance refuses to talk to me.”
corporal Devante was crying as he entered the classroom. He whimpered, “Ms. Genung wrote me up, so I just had to endure corporal punishment. Waaaaaah!”
plight Jasmine argued with Ms. Genung: “Our plight must not be ignored. We will overcome the obstacles of Shakespeare and even learn to enjoy the Bard’s works!”
avarice Hubert was obsessed with avarice. He stole his classmates’ pencils and pens. Then, he offered to sell “similar” writing utensils to them for $1 each. Greed had consumed Hubert.
apparition Siyann turned pale and almost fainted when he thought he saw an apparition in the lobby. Instead of a ghost, it was a large piece of plastic hanging from a light.
nonpareil Have you seen Demarko play football? His skills are nonpareil. There’s no one as good as he is.
tyrant Demetrius exclaimed, “Ms. Genung, you’re a tyrant! How can you expect us to complete this homework assignment tonight? It’ll take at least four hours. You are an evil, evil leader.”
jovial Alan is a jovial fellow, especially in his favorite class– English. He frequently remarks, “Shakespeare’s the man! Let’s start reading!” Isn’t he pleasant to be around?
pristine David looked at his sheet of notebook paper and sadly said, “This sheet of paper was once a tree in a pristine forest. The forest, which was once untouched and beautiful, has now been destroyed by bulldozers.” David wept as he spoke.
judicious Joe made a judicious decision before the exam in English. He studied diligently; consequently, he made an “A.” He even said that he enjoyed the exam because he was so prepared.
pernicious Brittany walked into class and exclaimed, “Oh, woe is me! I have a cold, and I think I’m going to die! Ugh, I feel awful.” Detwon responded, “Suck it up, Brittany. A cold is not a pernicious disease. You’ll survive.”
vice Roshonda pointed out a few of her friends’ vices: smoking, gambling, cheating, lying, stealing. We’re glad that Roshonda isn’t like those friends.
conjure Kya said, “I’m going to conjure a homework genie so I’ll never have to do my homework again. Hmm, I wonder what the incantation is to create such a genie.”