EurekaWeb is a system that allows you to manage, via Web, residential intrusion and fire alarm control panel.
Interfaces EurekaWeb: RASPBERRY PI + RASPCARRY + FIRMWARE Allows to : Power from control unit Serial connection with : Vista Galaxy, Galaxy G3, Galaxy Dimension Algorinet Notifier Algolite Ademco/Morley Dx Algoplus Ethernet connection with : Galaxy Flex
RASPBERRY PI Raspberry Pi is a computer of the size of a credit card
RASPCARRY Raspcarry is a board designed and built specifically for EurekaWeb
RASPCARRY Allows to power Raspberry from control unit Power supply 12V – 30V GND +
RASPCARRY Easy to connect to the serial port of the control unit GND RX TX
RASPCARRY Designed and built specifically for serial connection with Vista 4100SM + GND RX TX No more needs of 4100SM
EUREKA WEB Connected to web net, allows you to get the status and to send commands to the control unit connected. PCSmartphone Tablet
Graphics Maps
Events list
Historical events
Vista console emulation
Mobile graphics
…. other features Users (enabling commands) Programming group of commands (automatically sent in case of …) Live network camera (Axis) Language (Italian, English, Spanish, … easy to add new languages) Cloud
EurekaCloud is a cloud server to which the EurekaWebs can optionally connect to transfer the status and the events of the control panel.
EurekaCloud Users of, who are enabled (by EurekaWeb), can view the status and send commands to the panel.
EurekaCloud : how to start 1) Go to and create a new user (eg. Foo). 2) Enable the Cloud option on EurekaWeb. 3) Enable the user (foo), on EurekaWeb, to access data and to execute specific commands from
EurekaCloud : why Makes visible the EurekaWeb from the outside without the needs of public IP address or dynamics DNS connection. This way, you do not have to change phone contract. You just need an internet connection! EurekaWeb is protected from a direct access from the web. To make it visible from the outside or not is sufficient to activate or deactivate the Cloud option.
EUREKA WEB : why Competitiveness with the installation of new generation Making modern an old installation.
EUREKA WEB A solution ready.... in your hand!