Unit VI : Learning Test Review
Multiple Choice 1.C 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.A 6.E 7.D 8.D 9.E 10.B 11. D 12. A 13. A 14. C 15. C
FRQ #2 1 point: People who have an external locus of control are more likely to believe that they do not have the power to control their own destiny. Marin’s students could take a survey to determine their locus of control and discover and discuss what areas in their lives they have power to change.
FRQ #2 CONTINUED 1 point: Self – control is the ability to control impulses and delay short term gratification for longer-term rewards. Marin could help the students learn about how to develop and strengthen their willpower. Studies show that self-control requires attention and energy. Marin could help his students by educating them about the importance of self-control opportunities in order to practice how to focus on and use their attention and energy to control themselves.
FRQ #2 CONTINUED 1 POINT: Martin is convinced that some of his students have given up, which may mean they are experiencing learned helplessness. These students may be convinced that no matter how hard they try, their efforts will not lead to success. The key to learned helplessness is a loss of control, so Marin could find ways to empower the students in the classroom, such as having them plan a field trip or allowing students to choose their own topics for projects.
FRQ #2 continued 1 point: Many students learned to respond only to extrinsic motivators in school. Marin could help theses students by encouraging them to focus less on extrinsic motivators, such as grades and more on intrinsic motivation, such as inner satisfaction and pride of accomplishment. Perhaps Martin could give the students extra time each week to work on a project they enjoy for its own sake, rather than one that is required by the curriculum.
FRQ#3 1 point: Thorndike described how behaviors follow the law of effect: Behaviors that are rewarded are more likely to be repeated, and those that are punished are less likely to be repeated. Thorndike would predict that somehow the child’s crying had been rewarded in the past.
FRQ #3 continued 1 point: Skinner described the influence of the law of effect using more specific terms: reinforcement and punishment. In this situation, Skinner would predict that the child must have been reinforced in the past for crying( possibly by the removal of the peas, which would be an example of negative reinforcement)
FRQ #3 Continued 1 point: Pavlov’s research investigated how organisms are conditioned to respond to neutral stimuli after they are paired with stimuli that automatically cause responses (unconditioned stimuli) In this situation, Pavlov would investigate what the neutral stimuli of peas might have been paired with in the past. The peas may have been paired with an unconditioned stimulus, like a parent yelling at the child for not eating, and this might elicit the conditioned response of crying.
FRQ #3 continued 1 point: Bandura researched how humans learn behaviors through observational learning (modeling) Bandura would predict that this child had observed someone crying when presented with peas, and the child is imitating that behavior.
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