apartment A room or group of rooms that are in a building used as a home. John lives in an apartment in Charlotte.
delivery Used to carry or take something to a place or to a person. The man made his delivery of pizza to the house.
handcarts Small wagons, usually with two wheels, that are pulled or pushed by hand. Dan used the handcart to move the stove.
restaurant A place where people go to eat meals. El Amigo is a great restaurant!
market A place or store where food is sold. Let’s go to the market to get some vegetables.
celebrations Activities carried out to honor a special day or event. Birthdays can be great celebrations!
Tai chi An ancient exercise of asian decent. The girls practiced tai chi.
graceful Smooth or beautiful movements. The ballerina is very graceful.
cobbler A person that works to repair shoes. The cobbler repaired my high heel when it broke.
Arrive To come to a place. Don’t arrive late to school.
favorite One that is liked best. What is your favorite icecream?
medicinal Used to cure pain or illness. Aloe can be used to for medicinal purposes.
musty Damp or moldy. The wet towel smells musty.
sizzles Makes hissing sound when cooking. The bacon sizzles in the pan.
crackle Make a crackling or snapping sound. When you roll up the bag you can hear it crackle.
wok A metal pan that has a rounded bottom. It is used for frying or steaming. Cook the stir-fry in the wok.
clang Make a metallic ringing sound. The toddler hit the pots and made a loud clang.
barely Only just. Sam barely made it to the base.
furious Very angry. Mom was furious when I dropped the vase.
Kung fu A Chinese system of self- defense, similar to karate. Lee learned kung fu from his dad.
develop To help in the growth of, make stronger. We developed a great friendship.