Environmental Laws
Lacey Act (1900) John F. Lacey “Father of Conservation Legislation”
Lacey Act Prohibited transportation of illegally captured or prohibited animals across state lines First law to protect wildlife Now mostly used to prevent the spread of potentially dangerous non-native invasive species
Superfund (1980) Provides for the EPA’s cleanup of illegal toxic waste dump sites such as Love Canal and Times Beach Fines the people/companies for the spill and clean up
Clean Air Act (1963) regulated air emissions from area, stationary, and mobile sources authorized the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to establish National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)
Clean Water Act (1977) gave EPA the authority to set standards for industry made it unlawful for any person to discharge any pollutant from a point source into navigable waters unless a permit (NPDES) is obtained
Endangered Species Act (1973) provided a program for the conservation of threatened and endangered plants and animals and their habitats prohibits killing, harming habitat, or transporting any endangered species
National Environmental Policy Act (1970) one of the first laws written to protect the environment says that all government branches give proper consideration to the environment before undertaking any federal actions
CITES- Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (1975) an international agreement between governments ensures that trade of wild animals does not threaten their survival only 1 species has become extinct since 1975
Montreal Protocol (1989) treaty designed to protect the ozone layer phased out ozone depleting substances, such as CFC’s
Kyoto Protocol (1997) designed to reduce climate change reduces the amount of carbon dioxide emissions from signing countries
Wilderness Act (1964) created the National Wilderness Preservation System defined wilderness in America signed by LBJ in 1964
National Forest Management Act (1976) first legislation that discussed the administration of national forests called for the management of renewable resources on national forest land
The World Conservation Union encourages conservation and sustainable use of natural resources
UN Conference on Environment and Development (The Earth Summit) Held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 Produced Agenda 21 and the Rio Declaration (Earth Charter) Outlined policies for sustainable development
Rio Declaration 27 principals designed to guide future sustainable development around the world
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) group of scientists studying climate change and its causes
Law of the Sea addresses ocean pollution problems
Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety agreement addressing the transport and use of genetically modified organisms (GMO’s)
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Allows EPA to identify hazardous waste and set standards for their management Said that firms have to have permits stating how waste is being managed, from manufacture to disposal
Surface Mining and Reclamation Act requires mining companies to restore the land so it can be used for the same purpose as before it was mined
John Muir (1838 – 1914) patron saint of the American wilderness founded the Sierra Club got Yosemite to be named a National Park
Rachel Carson ( ) Wrote The Silent Spring to bring awareness to the hazards of DDT. The book is considered the beginning of the modern environmental movement
Garrett Hardin (1915 – 2003) Came up with the idea of the “Tragedy of the Commons” which greatly impacted the management of renewable resources
Case Study #1 The African Elephant is an endangered species which lives in Africa. They have become endangered because of the trading of their tusks. Name 2 acts that now protect the African Elephant and tell me how these acts protect them.
Case Study #2 A rural farm gets its water from a nearby well. The water in the well is from a stream. The fertilizer runoff from the farm often ends up in the well water. What 1 acts should be protecting the farmer and his family from the fertilizer pollution?
Case Study #3 The government wants to build a new building for its CIA. What 2 acts can/will have an effect on their plans? Explain!