TF-PR Terms of Reference 2009 Laura Durnford Senior Communications Officer
What we discussed in Malaga… ›Goran Skvarc next chair (Maria becomes deputy) ›Focus on exchange of experience etc rather than on specific deliverables. Slide 2
Text 1… ›Promotes collaboration between research and education networking organisations in Europe in the areas of public relations and information dissemination, through activities at the level of PR Managers / Information Officers. Slide 3
Aims… ›To exchange ideas, experiences, methods and techniques among research and education networking organisations in order to improve their communications with organisations and individuals that use their services, and with other organisations that are relevant for the research and education networking community. › ›REMOVED MENTION OF DELIVERABLES HERE Slide 4
Aims 2… ›The task force is open to staff of research and education networking organisations who have (or plan to have) public relations and information dissemination tasks and who can offer the appropriate expertise, manpower, equipment or services. Slide 5
Chair ›The chair of the task force will be Goran Skvarc (CARNet) and the deputy chair Maria Ristkok (EENet). › ›The chair will be responsible for preparing the agenda of each meeting, and for coordinating the work of the task force. The chair will also be responsible for ensuring that any agreed deliverables are produced. Slide 6
Secretary ›The secretary of the task force is a member of staff of the TERENA Secretariat. He / she will be responsible for taking the minutes at each meeting, and for making logistical arrangements as necessary. Slide 7
Mandate & Administration ›Starts 1 October (4 th mandate) ›Report to be given to GA at TNC ›Mailing lists etc – Carrie to give update later today Slide 8
Deliverables – A: Workshops ›Hands-on workshops within TF-PR meetings, to enable PR Managers / Information Officers of research and education networking organisations to exchange ideas and methods for improving communication activities. The workshops will be organised approximately twice a year. ›Coordinator: ›Goran Skvarc › ›Deputy: ›local meeting organiser Slide 9
Deliverables B: PeaR ›Improve and promote information dissemination about the news wire. ›Coordinator: ›Cristina Lorenzo Fernandez ›Deputy: ›Gabriela Krcmarova Slide 10
Deliverables C: PR Tool Kit ›Writing ‘How To’ Sheets based on meeting materials, gathering material into a ‘tool kit’. Promote its availability. ›Coordinator: ›Tomi Dolenc (tbc) ›Deputy: ›Roland Eugster Slide 11
Deliverables D: TF-PR Compendium ›Compendium of public relations and communication activities of NRENs in Europe. The compendium provides a yearly comparative overview of both the resources dedicated to PR and the scope of activities undertaken. ›Coordinators: ›Lonneke Walk ›Deputy: ›Carrie Solomon Slide 12
Deliverables E: Reference Library ›Collect information / data / files of common interest and make them accessible on the TF-PR website / wiki. Can create links to information, upload only when necessary. ›All members of TF-PR to provide links / content. Slide 13