1 Planning Review & Update Regional Planning and Public Transportation Coordination Workshop Thursday, May 3, 2007 Revised
2 Approach for Today Share solutions to barriers and constraints Highlight best practices from regional reports Receive additional comments from regional stakeholders Applaud achievements
3 Alternative Fuels Barrier: Policy Responsible Agency: TxDOT Resolution: Guidance provided; alternative fuel is not required; requirements are now emissions-based
4 Need for Reliable Vehicles; Aging Fleet Barrier: Funding Responsible Agency: TxDOT Resolution: Additional funding for vehicle procurement available; access to Transportation Development Credits to meet local share requirements
5 Vehicle Maintenance Constraint: Need for technical support in vehicle maintenance and repair for aging fleet, alternatively fueled vehicles Region: Heart of Texas Spotlight: Regional maintenance program
6 Access to Fuel Constraint: Access to propane fuel Region: Capital Area Highlight: Fueling stations for propane accessible to various agencies by CARTS
7 Recruiting Drivers Constraint: Recruiting drivers Regions: Alamo Area Highlight: Use of temporary drivers to fill positions
8 Driver Training Constraint: Comprehensive and consistent training for drivers from different agencies Regions: Upper Rio Grande, Brazos Valley Highlight: Driver training programs
9 Expanding Service Delivery Constraint: Sufficient capacity to meet demand for service Region: Ark-Tex Highlight: Arrangement with private-for- hire company (taxi) to assist with demand response trips
10 Expanding Service Delivery Constraint: Sufficient capacity to meet demand for service Region: Golden Crescent Highlight: Vanpool pilot program
11 Expanding Service Delivery Constraint: Sufficient capacity to meet demand for service Region: Panhandle Highlight: Pilot program to encourage senior participation
12 Medical Transportation Coordination Constraint: Difficulty integrating MTP and public transit Region: West Central Texas Highlight: Successful regional coordination
13 Paratransit Coordination Constraint: Need for paratransit services and coordination Region: NORTEX Highlight: Paratransit coordination with multiple agencies
14 Seamless Service Constraint: Need for coordination to make public transportation seamless to user Region: Permian Basin, Houston- Galveston, Capital Area Highlight: Seamless fare coordination
15 Outreach Constraint: Need to improve effective communication with users Region: Concho Valley Highlight: Travel training
16 Outreach Constraint: Need to improve effective communication with users Region: Houston-Galveston Highlight: Ambassador Program; Regional Alliance
17 Outreach Constraint: Need to improve effective communication with users Region: Heart of Texas Highlight: Statewide Transportation Services Handbook
18 Outreach Constraint: Need to improve effective communication with users Region: North Central Texas; Capital Area Highlight: Consensus-building; stakeholder participation in process
19 Sustainability Constraint: Need for sustainability Region: Coastal Bend Highlight: Mobility Manager
20 Mentoring Constraint: Need to share skills, ideas Regions: Alamo Area Highlight: Interest in developing Mentoring Program